erodozer / FF1-Battle-System

A simple recreation the FF1 Battle System in java for my design patterns class.
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Multidirectional Passability #20

Closed erodozer closed 12 years ago

erodozer commented 12 years ago

Tiles should be able to define specific sides that they can be stepped through.

erodozer commented 12 years ago

Passability can be defined in terms of 5 bits, with each bit being true/false to refer to if it can be walked through by that direction and the fifth bit defines overlay. Numbers between 0-63 will be used (00000-11111 essentially) in the text file for loading, and then will be converted into an array of 5 booleans to store lightly in memory. It's a whole lot lighter having 5 one bit booleans than 1 32bit integer stored in memory. So at the expense of a few more calculations at load time, the memory consumption will be lighter during playing and it will also be more flexible than it is now

erodozer commented 12 years ago

Logic has been implemented, now the editor just needs to be capable of editing it