erohtar / Dasherr

A minimal and lightweight dashboard for your self-hosted services (and bookmarks)
GNU General Public License v3.0
182 stars 9 forks source link

[Bug] Dasherr No Longer Communications with Glances as of Glances 4.x #24

Open LeeThompson opened 1 month ago

LeeThompson commented 1 month ago

Glances API changed and they've dropped support for the older API formats.

Unfortunately since many users may still be running Glances 3.x, there will probably need to be alternate code paths.

I'm running Glances 4.0.4 here and Dasherr just show blank entries now. Fortunately, it's not urgent for me.

If need be I can run test code on my Dasherr install.

(The widget configuration should probably have an api version setting?)

Did some initial poking around as shown below. Sadly my JavaScript is very iffy so I'm not able to make code suggestions.

I did try to change: $.getJSON({url: gSettings.widgets[nW].settings.url + 'api/3/quicklook'}).done(function (result, status, xhr) { to $.getJSON({url: gSettings.widgets[nW].settings.url + 'api/4/quicklook'}).done(function (result, status, xhr) { etc but it didn't do anything useful.

One interesting thing is FIrefox showed this in the console:

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://redacted:61208/api/4/quicklook. (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing). Status code: 200.

More information at Mozilla Reference


    "label": "adt7490 0",
    "unit": "C",
    "value": 28,
    "warning": 127,
    "critical": 100,
    "type": "SensorType.CPU_TEMP",
    "key": "label"
    "label": "adt7490 1",
    "unit": "C",
    "value": 32,
    "warning": 127,
    "critical": 100,
    "type": "SensorType.CPU_TEMP",
    "key": "label"
    "label": "adt7490 2",
    "unit": "C",
    "value": 36,
    "warning": 127,
    "critical": 100,
    "type": "SensorType.CPU_TEMP",
    "key": "label"
    "label": "k10temp 0",
    "unit": "C",
    "value": 35,
    "warning": 70,
    "critical": 70,
    "type": "SensorType.CPU_TEMP",
    "key": "label"
    "label": "adt7490 0",
    "unit": "R",
    "value": 1817,
    "warning": null,
    "critical": null,
    "type": "SensorType.FAN_SPEED",
    "key": "label"
    "label": "adt7490 1",
    "unit": "R",
    "value": 1844,
    "warning": null,
    "critical": null,
    "type": "SensorType.FAN_SPEED",
    "key": "label"
    "label": "adt7490 2",
    "unit": "R",
    "value": 0,
    "warning": null,
    "critical": null,
    "type": "SensorType.FAN_SPEED",
    "key": "label"
    "label": "adt7490 3",
    "unit": "R",
    "value": 0,
    "warning": null,
    "critical": null,
    "type": "SensorType.FAN_SPEED",
    "key": "label"


  "cpu_name": "AMD Ryzen Embedded V1500B",
  "cpu_hz_current": 2200000000,
  "cpu_hz": 2200000000,
  "cpu": 1.7,
  "percpu": [
      "key": "cpu_number",
      "cpu_number": 0,
      "total": 2.5,
      "user": 1.5,
      "system": 0.6,
      "idle": 97.5,
      "nice": 0,
      "iowait": 0.5,
      "irq": 0,
      "softirq": 0,
      "steal": 0,
      "guest": 0,
      "guest_nice": 0
      "key": "cpu_number",
      "cpu_number": 1,
      "total": 1.1,
      "user": 0.9,
      "system": 0.2,
      "idle": 98.9,
      "nice": 0,
      "iowait": 0,
      "irq": 0,
      "softirq": 0,
      "steal": 0,
      "guest": 0,
      "guest_nice": 0
      "key": "cpu_number",
      "cpu_number": 2,
      "total": 2,
      "user": 1.2,
      "system": 0.5,
      "idle": 98,
      "nice": 0,
      "iowait": 0.4,
      "irq": 0,
      "softirq": 0,
      "steal": 0,
      "guest": 0,
      "guest_nice": 0
      "key": "cpu_number",
      "cpu_number": 3,
      "total": 0.9,
      "user": 0.7,
      "system": 0.2,
      "idle": 99.1,
      "nice": 0,
      "iowait": 0,
      "irq": 0,
      "softirq": 0,
      "steal": 0,
      "guest": 0,
      "guest_nice": 0
      "key": "cpu_number",
      "cpu_number": 4,
      "total": 2.8,
      "user": 1.9,
      "system": 1,
      "idle": 97.2,
      "nice": 0,
      "iowait": 0,
      "irq": 0,
      "softirq": 0,
      "steal": 0,
      "guest": 0,
      "guest_nice": 0
      "key": "cpu_number",
      "cpu_number": 5,
      "total": 1,
      "user": 0.6,
      "system": 0.4,
      "idle": 99,
      "nice": 0,
      "iowait": 0,
      "irq": 0,
      "softirq": 0,
      "steal": 0,
      "guest": 0,
      "guest_nice": 0
      "key": "cpu_number",
      "cpu_number": 6,
      "total": 2.7,
      "user": 1.5,
      "system": 0.8,
      "idle": 97.3,
      "nice": 0,
      "iowait": 0.5,
      "irq": 0,
      "softirq": 0,
      "steal": 0,
      "guest": 0,
      "guest_nice": 0
      "key": "cpu_number",
      "cpu_number": 7,
      "total": 0.8,
      "user": 0.6,
      "system": 0.2,
      "idle": 99.2,
      "nice": 0,
      "iowait": 0,
      "irq": 0,
      "softirq": 0,
      "steal": 0,
      "guest": 0,
      "guest_nice": 0
  "mem": 31.3,
  "swap": 11,
  "cpu_log_core": 8,
  "cpu_phys_core": 4,
  "load": 3.4


  "detail": "Not Found"
LeeThompson commented 1 month ago

UPDATE: There is something going on with the CORS policy that seems to be new. Did Glances prior to v3 set CORS headers?

I worked around this by changing the API version from v3 to v4 and enabled CORS on Traefik and seem to have this working again.

Not sure what the proper solution is.



I use staticfile for my environment so I made these changes in staticconfig.yml:

In the middlewares: section.

          - GET
          - OPTIONS
          - PUT
        accessControlAllowHeaders: "*"
        accessControlAllowOriginList: "*"
        accessControlMaxAge: 100
        addVaryHeader: false

I have 3 machines that run glances, so I have it set up in Traefik so each one can be accessed like http://glances.local/docker1/ http://glances.local/docker2/ etc.

Under services: section:

          - url: http://docker1.local:61208/

Under the routers section is where the CORS configuration comes in.

        - http
      rule: "Host(`glances.local`) && PathPrefix(`/docker1`)"
        - testHeader
      service: glancesdocker1


The include\worker.js needs changed: Basically the api/v3 needs changed to api/v4.

Presumably you could also do this in Traefik but I think this is easier.

function refreshWidgetGlances(nW) {
    $.getJSON({url: gSettings.widgets[nW].settings.url + 'api/4/quicklook'}).done(function (result, status, xhr) {   
        document.getElementById('cpuPrct' + nW).innerText = result.cpu + '%'
        document.getElementById('memPrct' + nW).innerText = result.mem + '%'

    $.getJSON({url: gSettings.widgets[nW].settings.url + 'api/4/sensors'}).done(function (result, status, xhr) {
        document.getElementById('cpuTemp' + nW).innerText = (result.length > 0? result[0].value + 'C' : '-')

Of course in the various settings pages, in the widget section the URLs will need to be updated to http://glances.local/docker1/ and so on.

erohtar commented 1 month ago

Thank you for all the detailed information and finding the workaround in the meantime. And you're right in solving it by tweaking Traefik - while I have never used it myself, since it's a proxy + api gateway, that's where I'd look for the solution too.

I personally almost never get any CORS related issues as I run everything under a closed Tailscale network on limited devices - which I understand isn't everyone's use case.

API deprecation: While I'd pulled fresh docker images of my docker apps recently, I didn't realize I was running an older version of Glances since they stopped supporting 32-bit images a while back, and my Raspberry Pi is still running on a 32-bit OS. I guess I'll have to take backups, and recreate everything from a fresh OS install, to fix this one and install latest version of Glances (and few other containers that have the same story). Once I'm on the latest version, I should be able to face (and fix) this problem.

erohtar commented 1 month ago

Well, guess what - I had a few hours free today and your push made me go ahead with the Pi rebuild to make it 64-bit.

Now I can see the latest Glances provides the correct data on /4/ instead of /3/ and somehow I'm getting the CORS error too. I've updated the worker.js to your recommended change already, but haven't created another release yet - I want to see if there's an easier way to resolve the CORS problem.

LeeThompson commented 1 month ago

I don't really know the CORS system very well, other than vague concepts, unfortunately.

I'm having a discussion with the Glances maintainer but I'm probably coming across like an idiot :)

erohtar commented 1 month ago

Per my understanding, that bind option will go in your docker compose right after the default '-w' option. They already clarified that the code block is part of Glances already, so nothing to worry about there.

LeeThompson commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure why the bind option is necessary (also Docker containers don't have static IP addresses).

erohtar commented 1 month ago

Yeah I'm not sure either on how exactly would that binding resolve the problem, but that's where I'd try it.

And I don't think you need the container's ip address, just of the machine that is going to access Glances (the one running Dasherr)

(I'm just about to go to bed, but I'll definitely be trying this tomorrow, though I'm sure you'll beat me to it)

LeeThompson commented 1 month ago

I tried adding this to one of my Glances instances: GLANCES_OPT -w --bind nas02.redacted

The redacted bind is the exact intranet fully qualified domain name that Dasherr uses and I get the same CORS error.

LeeThompson commented 1 month ago

I tried binding with the web server (where Dasherr) runs, but that causes the container to stop with a fatal error :)

LeeThompson commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure how helpful any of this is, but I noticed some things:

When Dasherr is getting Glances data via Traefik, the response header looks like:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Length: 885
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 28 May 2024 08:10:05 GMT
Server: uvicorn

When it's talking to Glances directly it looks like:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
date: Tue, 28 May 2024 08:11:39 GMT
server: uvicorn
content-length: 367
content-type: application/json
access-control-allow-credentials: true
content-encoding: gzip
vary: Accept-Encoding

The CORS access control is not present.

erohtar commented 1 month ago

So I've been trying a few things today and I met with the same findings/results as you did (no surprise there really).

I'm no expert on CORS so something that I found out very recently may just be common knowledge, but what I learnt is that two services running on the same domain/url but on different ports are NOT considered to be the same origin! That might make some sense from security POV, but didn't make much sense to me from the intuitive POV.

Also, it appears that the allow_origins=[self.bind_url] part of Glances code is the problem, as it is set to only allow its own url (which means same domain AND same port) to access the API - and so far I'm not sure how to work around that from the client-end.

LeeThompson commented 1 month ago

It looks like Glances is being updated to default to allow_origins=* (I already tested the change and it works like it should).

You might want to have Dasherr's widget section specify which api version to use since some folks may be sticking with Glances v3.


erohtar commented 1 month ago

Thank you so much for championing the cause! I tested the dev version and it works great.

You might want to have Dasherr's widget section specify which api version to use

I feel that might not be needed. The only real reason to use the older version is if one is on 32-bit OS (like I recently was), and for them Glances wouldn't even update to the new version. Now the only edge-case scenario I can think of is if someone like that updates to latest Dasherr but not latest Glances, but at least the next Dasherr update would be of no use to them.

LeeThompson commented 1 month ago

It looks like the change ( is targeted for Glances 4.1.0 (

The downside is the release target for 4.1.0 is September 1st.

So current Dasherr users with this issue can (in order of less work on Dasherr side)

  1. Run Glances' "dev' branch
  2. Downgrade to Glances 3.x
  3. Disable the widget in Dasherr for now
  4. Use Traefik or some other proxy to force the correct CORS options (and change the Dasherr settings appropriately)
erohtar commented 1 month ago

Got it. I've also been intermittently checking if a new stable docker image has been released for Glances, and since there wasn't one, I waited.

LeeThompson commented 3 weeks ago

Looks like it got released with 4.0.8 actually.

erohtar commented 3 weeks ago

Oh wow, you're right - I just ran it with the 'latest' tag and it works as it should. But I just noticed there's something that's not working - is the settings saving working as expected for you in the Dasherr Editor? It seems to be broken for me and before I try to figure out what/when it happened, just want to be sure it's not something that went wrong during my Pi upgrade.

LeeThompson commented 3 weeks ago

I don't use the Dasherr editor, I use notepad++ to edit the json files because I'm using a number of pages. I abuse Dasherr to use it as a menu system more than a dashboard.

erohtar commented 4 days ago

I'm sorry for taking this long. My plan was to look into the code editor issue and make a couple other changes I had on my mind, but being busy with other things kept me pushing this down. Finally I figured it's best to release this one and work on the rest once I get to it. Thank you again for all the terrific help with this one.