err4o4 / spotify-car-thing-reverse-engineering

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MITM Processing of Car Thing Requests #12

Open everettperiman opened 1 year ago

everettperiman commented 1 year ago

I've found that there is a lot of interesting information that gets streamed through the host device from the Car Thing using MITM. A popular endpoint seems to be ""

There is also a request to this domain "" that transmits vitals from the device.

    "swap_cached": 0,
    "cached": 129628,
    "mem_total": 501172,
    "swap_total": 0,
    "type": "memory_v2",
    "buffers": 1244,
    "mem_free": 126880,
    "swap_free": 0,
    "timestamp": 1665943898032,
    "mem_available": 254092,
    "processes": {
      "QtWebEngineProcess --type:zygote": {
        "vm_hwm": 30132,
        "vm_rss": 17512
      "supervisord": {
        "vm_rss": 11868,
        "vm_hwm": 11948
      "swupdate": {
        "vm_rss": 1528,
        "vm_hwm": 3260
      "QtWebEngineProcess --type=renderer": {
        "vm_rss": 125904,
        "vm_hwm": 131756
      "sp-als-backlight": {
        "vm_hwm": 208,
        "vm_rss": 172
      "bluetoothd": {
        "vm_rss": 2168,
        "vm_hwm": 3004
      "qt-superbird-app": {
        "vm_rss": 139220,
        "vm_hwm": 177360
    "uptime": "12 12",
    "mounts": {
      "/var": {
        "available_MB": 1882,
        "used_MB": 35
      "/var/lib": {
        "available_MB": 221,
        "used_MB": 2
      "/": {
        "used_MB": 392,
        "available_MB": 76
      "/home": {
        "available_MB": 1882,
        "used_MB": 35
    "timestamp": 1665943898199,
    "type": "storage"
    "type": "temperature",
    "timestamp": 1665943898200,
    "temperatures": {
      "dram_thermal": "34.72",
      "soc_thermal": "42.10",
      "ddr_thermal": "42.30",
      "bluetooth_thermal": "34.56",
      "pcb_thermal": "34.35"
everettperiman commented 1 year ago

This is the script for setting developer mode using the MITM interface.

URL = ""
DEF_RESP = '{"log_signal_strength":true,"log_requests":true,"use_volume_superbird_namespace":true,"tips_request_interval":900,"night_mode_enabled":true,"developer_menu_enabled":false,"tips_show_time":20,"night_mode_slope":10,"graphql_endpoint_enabled":true,"upload_wakeword":false,"ota_inactivity_timeout":10,"podcast_trailer_enabled":true,"handle_incoming_phone_calls":true,"use_relative_volume_control":true,"non_spotify_playback_android":false,"tracklist_context_menu_enabled":true,"podcast_speed_change_enabled":true,"use_new_voice_ui":true,"night_mode_strength":40,"tips_track_change_delay":10,"non_spotify_playback_ios":true,"enable_push_to_talk_shelf":false,"queue_enabled":true,"tips_startup_delay":600,"batch_ubi_logs":true,"tips_interaction_delay":4,"long_press_settings_power_off_v2":true,"app_launch_rssi_limit":-1000,"auto_restart_after_ota":false,"hide_home_more_button":true,"tips_enabled":true,"use_superbird_namespace":true,"get_home_enabled":true,"error_messaging_no_network":true,"local_command_stop_enabled":true,"enable_push_to_talk_npv":false,"volume_control":true,"graphql_for_shelf_enabled":true,"use_playerstate_superbird_namespace":false,"tips_on_demand_enabled":true}'
DESIRED_RESP = '{"log_signal_strength":true,"log_requests":true,"use_volume_superbird_namespace":true,"tips_request_interval":900,"night_mode_enabled":true,"developer_menu_enabled":true,"tips_show_time":20,"night_mode_slope":10,"graphql_endpoint_enabled":true,"upload_wakeword":false,"ota_inactivity_timeout":10,"podcast_trailer_enabled":true,"handle_incoming_phone_calls":true,"use_relative_volume_control":true,"non_spotify_playback_android":false,"tracklist_context_menu_enabled":true,"podcast_speed_change_enabled":true,"use_new_voice_ui":true,"night_mode_strength":1,"tips_track_change_delay":10,"non_spotify_playback_ios":true,"enable_push_to_talk_shelf":false,"queue_enabled":true,"tips_startup_delay":600,"batch_ubi_logs":true,"tips_interaction_delay":4,"long_press_settings_power_off_v2":true,"app_launch_rssi_limit":-1000,"auto_restart_after_ota":false,"hide_home_more_button":true,"tips_enabled":true,"use_superbird_namespace":true,"get_home_enabled":true,"error_messaging_no_network":true,"local_command_stop_enabled":true,"enable_push_to_talk_npv":false,"volume_control":true,"graphql_for_shelf_enabled":true,"use_playerstate_superbird_namespace":false,"tips_on_demand_enabled":true}'

class AddHeader:
    def __init__(self):
        self.num = 0

    def response(self, flow):
        if flow.request.pretty_url == URL:
            new_content = str.encode(DESIRED_RESP)
            flow.response.content = new_content

addons = [AddHeader()]
everettperiman commented 1 year ago

I found a way to alter the Playlist URI's that are set when the Car Thing queries for new playlists. Fair warning this forces all of your playlists to Rick Roll.

import json

URL = ""

class AddHeader:
    def __init__(self):
        self.num = 0

    def response(self, flow):
        if flow.request.pretty_url == URL:
            content = json.loads(flow.response.content.decode())
            for child in content["data"]["shelf"]["items"][0]["children"]:
                child["uri"] = "spotify:playlist:5EIjIqnxsxQrlms9XSWhEs"  
                child["image_id"] = ""   
                child["subtitle"] = "<3"
                child["title"] = "<3"

            flow.response.content = str.encode(json.dumps(content))

addons = [AddHeader()]


michaellocher commented 1 year ago

Here are some additional informations for the gql-endpoint generated with help of

    "data": {
        "__schema": {
            "queryType": {
                "name": "Query"
            "mutationType": {
                "name": "Mutation"
            "subscriptionType": null,
            "types": [
                    "kind": "SCALAR",
                    "name": "Boolean",
                    "description": "Built-in Boolean",
                    "fields": null,
                    "inputFields": null,
                    "interfaces": null,
                    "enumValues": null,
                    "possibleTypes": null
                    "kind": "OBJECT",
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                    "description": "",
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                                "kind": "SCALAR",
                                "name": "Int",
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                            "isDeprecated": false,
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                            "name": "blue",
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                            "type": {
                                "kind": "SCALAR",
                                "name": "Int",
                                "ofType": null
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                            "deprecationReason": null
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                                "name": "Int",
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                            "deprecationReason": "Use `locations`."
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                            "type": {
                                "kind": "SCALAR",
                                "name": "Boolean",
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                            "isDeprecated": true,
                            "deprecationReason": "Use `locations`."
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                                "kind": "SCALAR",
                                "name": "Boolean",
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                            "deprecationReason": "Use `locations`."
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                    "description": "An enum describing valid locations where a directive can be placed",
                    "fields": null,
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                    "interfaces": null,
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                            "name": "QUERY",
                            "description": "Indicates the directive is valid on queries.",
                            "isDeprecated": false,
                            "deprecationReason": null
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                            "description": "Indicates the directive is valid on mutations.",
                            "isDeprecated": false,
                            "deprecationReason": null
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                            "description": "Indicates the directive is valid on fields.",
                            "isDeprecated": false,
                            "deprecationReason": null
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                            "isDeprecated": false,
                            "deprecationReason": null
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                            "description": "Indicates the directive is valid on fragment spreads.",
                            "isDeprecated": false,
                            "deprecationReason": null
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                            "description": "Indicates the directive is valid on inline fragments.",
                            "isDeprecated": false,
                            "deprecationReason": null
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                            "deprecationReason": null
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                    "description": "A GraphQL Introspection defines the capabilities of a GraphQL server. It exposes all available types and directives on the server, the entry points for query, mutation, and subscription operations.",
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                            "type": {
                                "kind": "OBJECT",
                                "name": "__Type",
                                "ofType": null
                            "isDeprecated": false,
                            "deprecationReason": null
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                    "description": "An enum describing what kind of type a given __Type is",
                    "fields": null,
                    "inputFields": null,
                    "interfaces": null,
                    "enumValues": [
                            "name": "SCALAR",
                            "description": "Indicates this type is a scalar. 'specifiedByUrl' is a valid field",
                            "isDeprecated": false,
                            "deprecationReason": null
                            "name": "OBJECT",
                            "description": "Indicates this type is an object. `fields` and `interfaces` are valid fields.",
                            "isDeprecated": false,
                            "deprecationReason": null
                            "name": "INTERFACE",
                            "description": "Indicates this type is an interface. `fields` and `possibleTypes` are valid fields.",
                            "isDeprecated": false,
                            "deprecationReason": null
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                            "description": "Indicates this type is a union. `possibleTypes` is a valid field.",
                            "isDeprecated": false,
                            "deprecationReason": null
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                            "description": "Indicates this type is an enum. `enumValues` is a valid field.",
                            "isDeprecated": false,
                            "deprecationReason": null
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                            "description": "Indicates this type is an input object. `inputFields` is a valid field.",
                            "isDeprecated": false,
                            "deprecationReason": null
                            "name": "LIST",
                            "description": "Indicates this type is a list. `ofType` is a valid field.",
                            "isDeprecated": false,
                            "deprecationReason": null
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                            "description": "Indicates this type is a non-null. `ofType` is a valid field.",
                            "isDeprecated": false,
                            "deprecationReason": null
                    "possibleTypes": null
            "directives": [
                    "name": "include",
                    "description": "Directs the executor to include this field or fragment only when the `if` argument is true",
                    "locations": [
                    "args": [
                            "name": "if",
                            "description": "Included when true.",
                            "type": {
                                "kind": "NON_NULL",
                                "name": null,
                                "ofType": {
                                    "kind": "SCALAR",
                                    "name": "Boolean",
                                    "ofType": null
                            "defaultValue": null
                    "name": "skip",
                    "description": "Directs the executor to skip this field or fragment when the `if`'argument is true.",
                    "locations": [
                    "args": [
                            "name": "if",
                            "description": "Skipped when true.",
                            "type": {
                                "kind": "NON_NULL",
                                "name": null,
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                    "description": "Marks the field or enum value as deprecated",
                    "locations": [
                    "args": [
                            "name": "reason",
                            "description": "The reason for the deprecation",
                            "type": {
                                "kind": "SCALAR",
                                "name": "String",
                                "ofType": null
                            "defaultValue": "\"No longer supported\""
                    "name": "specifiedBy",
                    "description": "Exposes a URL that specifies the behaviour of this scalar.",
                    "locations": [
                    "args": [
                            "name": "url",
                            "description": "The URL that specifies the behaviour of this scalar.",
                            "type": {
                                "kind": "NON_NULL",
                                "name": null,
                                "ofType": {
                                    "kind": "SCALAR",
                                    "name": "String",
                                    "ofType": null
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