err4o4 / spotify-car-thing-reverse-engineering

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Able to open dev menu (but it's useless) #8

Open null-dev opened 1 year ago

null-dev commented 1 year ago

By patching the Spotify APK I was able to open the developer menu on the device.

It's not very useful though, basically just contains a couple extra settings:




evnb commented 1 year ago

Cool find! Can you explain how to do this?

null-dev commented 1 year ago

@evnb There's a developer_menu_enabled setting inside the RemoteConfig bluetooth packet sent to the device.

So you just use frida/Xposed/smali patching to edit the bluetooth packet before the app serializes it and sends it.

I'm on a rooted device, so I used Xposed, here's my hook:

val clazz = lpparam.classLoader.loadClass(
    // Java class that represents the RemoteConfig packet
    clazz.constructors.first(), // Hook the constructor
    object : XC_MethodHook() {
        override fun beforeHookedMethod(param: MethodHookParam) {
            // The constructor accepts a single argument: a Map of the remote config parameters
            // Here we set developer_menu_enabled = true inside this Map
            val result = param.args[0]
            val map = result as MutableMap<String, Any>
            map["developer_menu_enabled"] = true
everettperiman commented 1 year ago

I was also able to force the developer menu using MITM Web with this addon script.

All you need is a computer to route through and any phone even ios will work with it. I did note that the developer menu is not persistent between loads.