errata-ai / Google

A Vale-compatible implementation of the Google Developer Documentation Style Guide.
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Markdown Footnotes can start with an uppercase character #22

Closed davidsneighbour closed 1 year ago

davidsneighbour commented 1 year ago

I have the following Markdown text:

[^1]: Careful here --- You will have to first **check out** ...

Vale complains about Careful having to be careful (Google.Colon). I do not agree with this and I think this is not a "colon rule thing". This markup will be transformed into the text for the footnote of the reference markdown some text [^1] and more text in Goldmark.

I think footnotes in the text should be allowed to start with an uppercase. I also don't want to disable the rule completely, because I think in the normal text flow a colon should be followed by a lowercase character.

Is this a "real world issue" or am I just missing an easy workaround?

Maybe exchange the

  - ':\s[A-Z]'

with something like

  - (!])':\s[A-Z]'

might work? I can see cases though where someone might write "something [something]: Wrong case" that should fail.

Please advise if it's a bug or an issue only I have :)

jdkato commented 1 year ago

The footnote extension will be enabled in the next release of Vale, which will fix this issue.