Weasel words are words or statements that are intentionally ambiguous or misleading.
Not all words ending in ly are intentionally ambiguous or misleading.
< Weasel.yml grep 'ly$' | wc -l
Weasel words are often not a single word but a combination such as "Most people agree", "Experts say" which this file absolutely ignores (I intentionally used the word absolutely to demonstrate that is doesn't make the statement ambiguous or misleading, instead, it emphasizes that not a single entry in the file consists of multiple words.)
Weasel words are words or statements that are intentionally ambiguous or misleading.
Not all words ending in
are intentionally ambiguous or misleading.Weasel words are often not a single word but a combination such as "Most people agree", "Experts say" which this file absolutely ignores (I intentionally used the word
to demonstrate that is doesn't make the statement ambiguous or misleading, instead, it emphasizes that not a single entry in the file consists of multiple words.)