errata-ai / vale

:pencil: A markup-aware linter for prose built with speed and extensibility in mind.
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Can't use ignore with `raw` scope. #194

Closed Ravlen closed 4 years ago

Ravlen commented 4 years ago

@jdkato We have joyfully made use of the raw scope in the GitLab documentation project, you can see some of our rules here: We love it!

Unfortunately, we have run into a small problem for the next batch of rules we are working on. We want to make use of the ignore function (, but this does not work with the raw scope.

Is it possible to make the raw scope watch for <!-- vale off -->?

I also tested with custom block ignores, and it doesn't seem to pick it up either. The custom ignore works with a regular scope, and doesn't work with a raw scope.

jdkato commented 4 years ago

One thing that makes Vale unique from every other prose linter that I'm aware of is the fact that it doesn't operate on the actual contents of a file: it sees every one of its supported formats (Markdown, AsciiDoc, reStructuredText, and XML) as HTML. This is a powerful feature because it allows Vale to treat all of its supported formats the same while still offering a rich understanding of their syntaxes. For example, you can create a style that enforces a certain heading style (a rule that would typically be syntax-specific -- e.g., # in Markdown) and it'll work across every supported format.

scope: raw, on the other hand, throws all of this away: it simply uses the "raw" file contents, which means that scopes (headings, links, inline code, etc.) are now all format-dependent. This results in styles that will only work for one format. In other words, scope: raw instructs Vale to skip the markup processing that the HTML-related features (comments, block ignores, etc.) require -- essentially making them incompatible ideas.

Ultimately, as I've said in related issues, I think Vale is very good at what it's designed to do: lint prose of varying formats. It simply isn't designed to lint markup, though, which appears to be the reason you're using scope: raw.

And while markup-linting may be something I explore in the future, remark-lint would probably fit your markup-linting needs better right now: it includes many similar features to Vale (custom rules, preset styles, etc.), but is specifically designed for Markdown syntax (instead of prose).