Some plugins are generating errors:
You need those dependencies for data/plugins/err-gitbot:
Plugin reload done.
And log messages:
ERROR:yapsy:Unable to import plugin: /home/gladed/err/data/plugins/err-gitbot/gitBot
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/yapsy/", line 488, in loadPlugins
candidate_module = imp.load_module(plugin_module_name,plugin_file,candidate_filepath+".py",("py","r",imp.PY_SOURCE))
File "/home/gladed/err/data/plugins/err-gitbot/", line 4, in <module>
from gittools import clone, get_heads_revisions, fetch_all_heads, history_since_rev, git_log, remove_repo
File "data/plugins/err-gitbot/", line 3, in <module>
from errbot.errBot import PLUGIN_DIR
ImportError: cannot import name PLUGIN_DIR
INFO:root:Activating all the plugins...
INFO:root:Activate plugin: Webserver
INFO:root:Activating Webserver with min_err_version = 2.1.0 and max_version = 2.1.0
INFO:root:Webserver is not configured. Forbid activation
Results in:
And log messages: