ersilia-os / eos5505

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Test model eos5505 in CLI and Colab #4

Closed GemmaTuron closed 1 year ago

carcablop commented 1 year ago

Hi @GemmaTuron. Testing the model in Google Colab. I have the same error like other models (eos935d, eos4q1a). I think the path is being assigned wrong somewhere when fetching the model, the path should be * /usr/local/envs/eos5505/bin/python. imagen

carcablop commented 1 year ago

Following the path mentioned in the error: output/root/eos/repository/eos5505/....../ . I can see that in the run_predict file that the python path is being assigned wrong. imagen

carcablop commented 1 year ago

I attach the logs: Test in google colab: Fail to fetch Log fetch: Google_colab_log_fetch_eos5505.txt

Test in the CLI. Fetch successfully, serve and predict. Log fetch: log_fetch_eos5505.txt Log predict: log_predict_eos5505.log Output predictions: input file: "eml_canonicals.csv eos5505_output.csv

GemmaTuron commented 1 year ago

Hi @carcablop and @pauline-banye

The issue reported here and for the other models is due to this function from @carcablop pull request def get_python_path_env(self, environment): if not self.exists(environment): raise Exception("{0} environment does not exist".format(environment)) python_path = subprocess.check_output("which python", shell=True).strip() index_env = python_path.decode("utf-8").find("envs/") + 5 python_path_to_envs = python_path.decode("utf-8")[0:index_env] return "{0}{1}/bin/python".format(python_path_to_envs, environment)

As you can see the slash is probably cut at python_path.decode("utf-8")[0:index_env]. We are now working on reformatting it.

GemmaTuron commented 1 year ago

We have modified the function here:

The models are now working on Colab, can you try again?

carcablop commented 1 year ago

Hola @carcablopy @pauline-banye

El problema informado aquí y para los otros modelos se debe a esta función de @carcablopsolicitud de extracción ersilia-os/ersilia#525 def get_python_path_env(yo, entorno): si no self.exists (entorno): generar excepción ("{0} entorno no existe". formato (entorno)) python_path = subprocess.check_output("cuál python", shell=True).strip() index_env = python_path.decode("utf-8").find("envs/") + 5 python_path_to_envs = python_path.decode("utf-8")[0:index_env] devolver "{0}{1}/bin/python".format(python_path_to_envs, entorno)

Como puede ver, la barra probablemente esté cortada en python_path.decode("utf-8")[0:index_env]. Ahora estamos trabajando en reformatearla.

Hello @GemmaTuron . Thank you very much for the information. I'm so sorry this is causing the error.

carcablop commented 1 year ago

Update: Test in google colab: Fetch successfully, serve and predict. Log fetch: log_fetch_colab_eos5505.txt Output in colab: eos5505_output.csv

DhanshreeA commented 1 year ago

The model works on CLI and Colab. Artifacts:

CLI Output: eos5505_output.csv

Colab link:

GemmaTuron commented 1 year ago

Perfect I'll mark this model as completed