Should be able to pass in a movie ID, like `c30e28c6168184d9 for Maleficent, and get back an array of theaters in the configured location and day that are showing it and their cooresponding showtimes.
var Showtimes = require('showtimes');
var s = new Showtimes(94118, {});
s.getMovie('c30e28c6168184d9', function (theaters) {
/*[ { id: '1441318e8d47fc1b',
name: 'Vogue Theatre',
address: '3290 Sacramento Street, San Francisco, CA',
phone_number: '(415) 346-2228',
showtimes: [ '2:45pm', '7:15pm'] },
{ id: '87f533be471c287d',
name: '4-Star Theatre',
address: '2200 Clement Street, San Francisco, CA',
phone_number: '(415) 666-3488',
showtimes:[ '1:15pm', '3:40pm', '6:10pm', '8:35pm'] }]*/
Should be able to pass in a movie ID, like `c30e28c6168184d9 for Maleficent, and get back an array of theaters in the configured location and day that are showing it and their cooresponding showtimes.