Add test to check for attributes parsed from the theatre markup.
New test with old code fails.
➜ showtimes git:(master) ✗ npm test
> showtimes@2.1.0 test /Users/jaisenmathai/showtimes
> tap test
test/movies.js ...................................... 15/15 9s
test/theaters.js .................................... 22/23 7s
get theaters attributes
not ok id attribute parsed from theater
file: test/theaters.js
line: 18
column: 10
source: |
assert.ok(theaters[0].id, 'id attribute parsed from theater')
stack: |
Request._callback (src/index.js:521:7)
Request.self.callback (node_modules/request/request.js:199:22)
Request.<anonymous> (node_modules/request/request.js:1036:10)
IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (node_modules/request/request.js:963:12)
endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:905:12)
total ............................................... 37/38
37 passing (16s)
1 failing
npm ERR! Test failed. See above for more details.
New test with new code passes.
➜ showtimes git:(master) ✗ vim src/index.js
➜ showtimes git:(master) ✗ npm test
> showtimes@2.1.0 test /Users/jaisenmathai/showtimes
> tap test
test/movies.js ...................................... 15/15 8s
test/theaters.js .................................... 23/23 7s
total ............................................... 38/38
38 passing (15s)
Add test to check for attributes parsed from the theatre markup.
New test with old code fails.
New test with new code passes.