Open Meng-Heng opened 2 months ago
I'd love something like this too
It would be someting like this.
protected function blockAlert($Line): ?array
// List alert types from the config (e.g., 'NOTE', 'WARNING')
$alertTypes = ['NOTE', 'WARNING'];
// Build the regex pattern dynamically based on the alert types
$alertTypesPattern = implode('|', array_map('strtoupper', $alertTypes));
// Create the full regex pattern for matching alert block syntax
$pattern = '/^> \[!(' . $alertTypesPattern . ')\]/';
// Check if the line matches the alert pattern
if (preg_match($pattern, $Line['text'], $matches)) {
$type = strtolower($matches[1]); // Extract the alert type and convert to lowercase
$title = ucfirst($type); // Capitalize the first letter for the alert title
// Get class name for alerts from the configuration
$class = 'markdown-alert';
// Build the alert block with appropriate HTML attributes and content
$Block = [
'element' => [
'name' => 'div',
'attributes' => [
'class' => "{$class} {$class}-{$type}", // Add alert type as a class (e.g., 'alert alert-note')
'handler' => 'elements', // Use 'elements' because we'll be adding more content elements later
'text' => [
'name' => 'p',
'attributes' => [
'class' => "{$class}-title", // Assign title-specific class for the alert
'text' => $title, // Set the alert title (e.g., "Note")
return $Block; // Return the parsed alert block
return null; // Return null if the line does not match the alert pattern
protected function blockAlertContinue($Line, array $Block)
// List alert types from the config (e.g., 'NOTE', 'WARNING')
$alertTypes = ['NOTE', 'WARNING'];
// Build the regex pattern dynamically based on the alert types
$alertTypesPattern = implode('|', array_map('strtoupper', $alertTypes));
// Create the full regex pattern for identifying new alert blocks
$pattern = '/^> \[!(' . $alertTypesPattern . ')\]/';
// If the line matches a new alert block, terminate the current one
if (preg_match($pattern, $Line['text'])) {
return null; // Return null to terminate the current alert block
// Check if the line continues the current alert block with '>' followed by content
if ($Line['text'][0] === '>' && preg_match('/^> ?(.*)/', $Line['text'], $matches)) {
// If the block was interrupted, add an empty paragraph for spacing
if (isset($Block['interrupted'])) {
$Block['element']['text'][] = ['text' => ''];
unset($Block['interrupted']); // Reset the interrupted status
// Append the new line content to the current block
$Block['element']['text'][] = [
'name' => 'p',
'text' => $matches[1], // Add the text following the '>'
return $Block; // Return the updated block
// If the line does not start with '>' and the block is not interrupted, append it
if (!isset($Block['interrupted'])) {
$Block['element']['text'][] = [
'name' => 'p',
'text' => $Line['text'], // Add the text directly to the alert block
return $Block; // Return the updated block
return null; // Return null if the continuation conditions are not met
protected function blockAlertComplete($Block)
return $Block; // Finalize and return the alert block
this is from my own code, I have tried to remove any unnecessary code for the example, but let me know if you need more help
Hi @BenjaminHoegh, I've seen your work on the ParsedownEntended extension when trying to launch my package. Although, I found a workaround without using the BlockContinue or Complete, your code looks promising. I will need to test it sometime.
Thanks for taking the time! I'll let you know.
Workaround? Interesting how did you achieve that?
What I'm trying to convert:
I'm trying to get whatever is in the new line to correctly go to the 'text' above. But when I run, this is the error:
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you!