eruvanos / openbrokerapi

A python package for the V2 CF Service Broker API
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Missing ErrorMessage, ResponseError and description in K8s status #210

Open sonman opened 2 years ago

sonman commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug When raising a ErrBadRequest Exception with Message "Some Message" within a provisioning kubernetes will not show the Message "Some Message". Also ErrorMessage and ResponseError is "< nil >".


  - lastTransitionTime: "2022-04-22T09:06:57Z"
    message: 'Error provisioning ServiceInstance of ServiceClass (K8S: "space1/s3"
      ExternalName: "space1/s3") at ClusterServiceBroker "s3-broker":
      Status: 400; ErrorMessage: <nil>; Description: The request data is invalid.;
      ResponseError: <nil>'
    reason: ProvisionCallFailed
    status: "False"
    type: Ready

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. svcat provision serviceinstance1 --class s3 --plan simple which raises a ErrBadRequest("Some Message") during Provisioning.
  2. kubectl get serviceinstance serviceinstance1 -o yaml and see that ErrorMessage and ResponseError is nil. Also the message "Some Message" is missing.

Expected behavior

sonman commented 2 years ago

I just saw that ErrInvalidParameters Exception exists. This accepts a msg parameter which should be passed to the description output. Why having ErrInvalidParameters and ErrBadRequest ? ErrInvalidParameters seems only returns a 40X Error on provisioning and updating.