ervanalb / lens

Tap live cabling for inspection and injection
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Missing Exit Strategy #12

Open bl4krat opened 8 years ago

bl4krat commented 8 years ago


Saw your Defcon presentation. Fine business, Gentlemen.

There is, however, a missing element: the exit strategy. How you remove your hardware when you are done? You mention the availability of splicing blocks, which may well work.

But you can go one step better than that: If you were to re-design the tagboard so that the IDC connectors are on a daughterboard, Some simple jumpers on the daughterboard could re-instate the passive connections then you can remove the daughterboard from the tagboard and retrieve all your hardware, leaving only the daughterboard behind.

Excuse the hand-drawn sketch, but i think you get the idea...


So the step by step process would be

  1. expose the twisted pairs
  2. punchdown into the idc connectors on the daughterboard (the a and b connectors for each wire)
  3. connect daughterboard to tagboard in passive mode
  4. cut all 8 wires
  5. command tagboard to active mode
  6. mess with the video and rob the vault
  7. command tagboard back to passive mode
  8. fit 8 jumpers to reconnect each a connector to its corresponding b connector on the daughterboard
  9. daughterboard can now be removed from tagboard
  10. escape with all your kit, including the expensive tagboard. - just leaving the daughterboard behind
  11. profit
PowerPress commented 8 years ago

Any chance of a new board this the above suggested design?

zbanks commented 8 years ago

We haven't investigated as much. We had a few ideas to make the whole system substantially cheaper which I've been more interested in!