allow point_jacobian to specify local or world point
fix issue in forward_kinematics, for floating base I0_mul_v0 was wrongly computed (add mul_org to inertia)
add apply_inverse2 to Transform for now, easier expose to pybind11
urdf_parser try to maintain link/joint order from urdf
pytinydiffsim: expose Transform:apply_inverse
python/examples/, move laikago to non-identity transform to show issues with jacobian/contact
allow point_jacobian to specify local or world point fix issue in forward_kinematics, for floating base I0_mul_v0 was wrongly computed (add mul_org to inertia) add apply_inverse2 to Transform for now, easier expose to pybind11 urdf_parser try to maintain link/joint order from urdf pytinydiffsim: expose Transform:apply_inverse python/examples/, move laikago to non-identity transform to show issues with jacobian/contact