eryar / occQt

A simple OpenCASCADE Qt demo.
MIT License
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Refresh bug! #8

Closed hustliuyang closed 8 years ago

hustliuyang commented 8 years ago

我的运行occQt的时候遇到一些问题!场景的显示会出现空白,仿佛刷新不及时。 访问密码 b8b4


hustliuyang commented 8 years ago

eryar commented 8 years ago

hust 难道是华科的?


hustliuyang commented 8 years ago

hehe 朋友是华科的吗? 我是刚接触OpenCASCADE,磕磕绊绊的遇到不少问题。以前弄OSG的时候,是通过刷新Frame()完成显示的,但是OpenCASCADE这个不知道为什么会出现空白现象。

eryar commented 8 years ago

The source code is updated, you can download the lastest version to have a try.

hustliuyang commented 8 years ago

Nice Work!!!

Both environment variables CSF_ShadersDirectory and CASROOT are undefined!

qputenv("CASROOT", "C:/OpenCASCADE6.9.0/opencascade-6.9.0"); // OK

eryar commented 8 years ago

I have add the environment variable CSF_ShadersDirectory by OSD_Environment

You can try it.