Holds the generated Java APIs for the CCSDS MO services
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Compiler requirement for Java 1.5 while code is using 1.6 #12

Closed gbonnefille closed 7 years ago

gbonnefille commented 7 years ago

While compiling MAL_API, Eclipse complains about the usage of the annotation @Override while implementing an interface (Cf. Blob for example).

It appears that the usage of the annotation @Override in such situation was introduced in Java 1.6. But the main parent POM reclaims to compile in 1.5.

I would suggest to change the main parent POM to compile in 1.6 (at least) while targeting 1.5. An other solution is to limit this change to the POM of MAL_API.

gbonnefille commented 7 years ago

Oups, my proposition is wrong:

gbonnefille commented 7 years ago

Oups, my report seems related to

SamCooper commented 7 years ago

Yes it has already been noted and will be fixed (by upping to requiring 1.6) in the next revision of the master POM.