Added ignoring local notebooks (my_notebook folder for that)
Reduced dataset radius lower cutoff to 175km
Added BSTAR , ID to dataset
Small fix in results analysis NB to load new HDF5 files (Properties killed it)
Improved radius computation
Cleaned up input data generation notebook (it was getting large)
For radius in particular we no longer just assume static values for space-track RCS data. I added sampling to make it more diverse.
Basically, I computed mean and std for the different categories RCS SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE (< 0.1, 0.1 < RCS < 1.0, 1.0 <) and sampled from gaussian like that (minimum radius being 0.5cm,RCS=0.1, RCS=1.0 for the respective categories).
Values for that are
Celestrak RCS distribution that I used for that is
Distribution of the sampled values looks like this
It's rather tame especially on the large ones but I think it's good to be a bit conservative here, what do you think? (the maximum randomly sampled object has a radius of 7.05m)
The sampled radii look like this
(looks so different due to logscale)
@FG-TUM Should we put necessary I/O changes in C++ into same PR or create an issues and have another one?
For radius in particular we no longer just assume static values for space-track RCS data. I added sampling to make it more diverse.
Basically, I computed mean and std for the different categories RCS SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE (< 0.1, 0.1 < RCS < 1.0, 1.0 <) and sampled from gaussian like that (minimum radius being 0.5cm,RCS=0.1, RCS=1.0 for the respective categories).
Values for that are
Celestrak RCS distribution that I used for that is
Distribution of the sampled values looks like this
It's rather tame especially on the large ones but I think it's good to be a bit conservative here, what do you think? (the maximum randomly sampled object has a radius of 7.05m)
The sampled radii look like this
(looks so different due to logscale)
@FG-TUM Should we put necessary I/O changes in C++ into same PR or create an issues and have another one?
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