esa / NIDN

Neural Inverse Design of Nanostructures
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Small bug in ground-truth notebook #93

Closed gomezzz closed 2 years ago

gomezzz commented 2 years ago


Problem Description

D:\Arbeit\Code\radiflector\NIDN\notebooks\..\nidn\fdtd_integration\ in init_fdtd(cfg, include_object, wavelength, permittivity)
     44             cfg.FDTD_pml_thickness * 2
     45             + cfg.FDTD_free_space_distance * 2
---> 46             + sum(cfg.PER_LAYER_THICKNESS)
     47         )
     48     )

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'list'

when running the notebook in third cell of the Uniform Three-Layer Ground Truth part

Expected Behavior

No crash :)

What Needs to be Done

Something is wrong with thickness?

How Can It Be Tested or Reproduced

Just run notebook top to bottom (at least on my machine?)

torbjornstoro commented 2 years ago

I cant seem to reproduce the error..?

torbjornstoro commented 2 years ago

Pulled from main and ran the notebook without any errors

torbjornstoro commented 2 years ago

But I kinda agre with the error, changed a bit in init_fdtd to what I believ eis correct and testing it now