esa / pagmo2

A C++ platform to perform parallel computations of optimisation tasks (global and local) via the asynchronous generalized island model.
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Missing modules in pygmo #321

Closed alexshade15 closed 5 years ago

alexshade15 commented 5 years ago

Hello, I'm working on windows 10, python 2.7 and i've installed pygmo with pip.

The problme in that if i try to import some modules like gaco or gwo from pygmo I get the following message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: cannot import name gaco

It seems that the problem is that in my pygmo there are some missing modules

pygmo = {module} <module 'pygmo' from 'C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pygmo\__init__.pyc'>
 _ai = {_Feature} _Feature((2, 5, 0, 'alpha', 1), (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0), 16384)
 _atexit = {module} <module 'atexit' from 'C:\Python27\lib\atexit.pyc'>
 _cloudpickle = {module} <module 'cloudpickle' from 'C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\cloudpickle\__init__.pyc'>
 _patch_algorithm = {module} <module 'pygmo._patch_algorithm' from 'C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pygmo\_patch_algorithm.pyc'>
 _patch_island = {module} <module 'pygmo._patch_island' from 'C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pygmo\_patch_island.pyc'>
 _patch_problem = {module} <module 'pygmo._patch_problem' from 'C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pygmo\_patch_problem.pyc'>
 _serialization_backend = {module} <module 'cloudpickle' from 'C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\cloudpickle\__init__.pyc'>
 _version = {module} <module 'pygmo._version' from 'C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pygmo\_version.pyc'>
 ackley = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.ackley'>
 algorithm = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.algorithm'>
 algorithms = {module} <module 'pygmo.core.algorithms' (built-in)>
 archipelago = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.archipelago'>
 bee_colony = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.bee_colony'>
 bf_approx = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.bf_approx'>
 bf_fpras = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.bf_fpras'>
 cec2006 = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.cec2006'>
 cec2009 = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.cec2009'>
 cec2013 = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.cec2013'>
 cec2014 = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.cec2014'>
 cmaes = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.cmaes'>
 compass_search = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.compass_search'>
 core = {module} <module 'pygmo.core' from 'C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pygmo\core.pyd'>
 cstrs_self_adaptive = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.cstrs_self_adaptive'>
 de = {class} <class ''>
 de1220 = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.de1220'>
 decompose = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.decompose'>
 decorator_problem = {type} <class 'pygmo._py_problems.decorator_problem'>
 dtlz = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.dtlz'>
 evolve_status = {type} <class 'pygmo.evolve_status'>
 griewank = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.griewank'>
 hock_schittkowsky_71 = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.hock_schittkowsky_71'>
 hv2d = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.hv2d'>
 hv3d = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.hv3d'>
 hvwfg = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.hvwfg'>
 hypervolume = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.hypervolume'>
 ihs = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.ihs'>
 inventory = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.inventory'>
 ipyparallel_island = {type} <class 'pygmo._py_islands.ipyparallel_island'>
 island = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.island'>
 islands = {module} <module 'pygmo.core.islands' (built-in)>
 luksan_vlcek1 = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.luksan_vlcek1'>
 mbh = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.mbh'>
 minlp_rastrigin = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.minlp_rastrigin'>
 moead = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.moead'>
 mp_island = {type} <class 'pygmo._py_islands.mp_island'>
 nlopt = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.nlopt'>
 nsga2 = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.nsga2'>
 null_algorithm = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.null_algorithm'>
 null_problem = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.null_problem'>
 plotting = {module} <module 'pygmo.plotting' from 'C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pygmo\plotting\__init__.pyc'>
 population = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.population'>
 problem = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.problem'>
 problems = {module} <module 'pygmo.core.problems' (built-in)>
 pso = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.pso'>
 pso_gen = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.pso_gen'>
 rastrigin = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.rastrigin'>
 rosenbrock = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.rosenbrock'>
 sade = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.sade'>
 schwefel = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.schwefel'>
 sea = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.sea'>
 sga = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.sga'>
 simulated_annealing = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.simulated_annealing'>
 test = {module} <module 'pygmo.test' from 'C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pygmo\test.pyc'>
 thread_island = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.thread_island'>
 thread_safety = {type} <class 'pygmo.thread_safety'>
 translate = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.translate'>
 unconstrain = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.unconstrain'>
 xnes = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.xnes'>
 zdt = {class} <class 'pygmo.core.zdt'>

I also tried to reinstall pygmo, but nothing seem to change.

bluescarni commented 5 years ago

@alexshade15 gwo and aco are part of the next pagmo release, 2.11. We plan to do the release later next week, after that you'll be able to use these new algorithms (after updating pagmo).