esa / pygmo2

A Python platform to perform parallel computations of optimisation tasks (global and local) via the asynchronous generalized island model.
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Large variation in performances between PSO variants for high-dimensional problems #52

Open nirmalsnair opened 4 years ago

nirmalsnair commented 4 years ago

For problems with large number of variables (>1000), there is a significant variation in the performance of PSO variants in terms of run-time and solution quality. The code given below calculates the time taken by a PSO variant on a toy problem excluding the time taken for all fitness evaluations.

import time
import timeit
import numpy as np
import pygmo as pg

# PSO parameters
n_pop = 10
n_gen = 10000
n_dim = 5000
pso_variant = 1

lb = list(np.zeros(n_dim))
ub = list(np.ones(n_dim))

class sphere_function:
    def fitness(self, x):
        return [np.sum(x*x)]
    def get_bounds(self):
        return (lb, ub)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Calculate time taken for whole optimisation
    start_time = time.time()
    prob = pg.problem(sphere_function())
    algo = pg.algorithm(pg.pso(gen = n_gen, variant = pso_variant))
    pop = pg.population(prob, n_pop)
    pop = algo.evolve(pop)
    total_time = time.time() - start_time

    # Calculate time taken for a single fitness evaluation
    x = np.random.randn(n_dim)
    fitness_time = timeit.timeit(stmt='np.sum(x*x)', globals=globals())
    fitness_time = fitness_time / 1000000  # convert microseconds to seconds

    # Calculate time taken by all fitness evaluations
    fevals_time = fitness_time * n_pop * n_gen
    fevals_percent = fevals_time / total_time * 100

    # Calculate time taken by PSO excluding the fitness evaluations
    pso_time = total_time - fevals_time
    pso_percent = pso_time / total_time * 100

    print('Best fitness         = {:.2f}'.format(pop.champion_f[0]))
    print('fevals time          = {:.2f} s'.format(fevals_time))
    print('PSO time             = {:.2f} s'.format(pso_time))
    print('Total time           = {:.2f} s'.format(total_time))
    print('fevals percent       = {:.2f} %'.format(fevals_percent))
    print('PSO percent          = {:.2f} %'.format(pso_percent))
Using different values for n_pop, n_gen, n_dim, and pso_variant, I got the following results: n_pop n_gen n_dim pso_ vrnt Best fitness fevals time (percent) PSO time (percent) Total time
10 10000 5000 1 1463.88 0.60 s
(2.17 %)
27.15 s (97.83 %) 27.75 s
10 10000 5000 2 1540.88 0.60 s
(3.90 %)
15.01 s (96.10 %) 15.62 s
10 10000 5000 3 1072.19 0.60 s
(24.09 %)
1.89 s
(75.91 %)
2.50 s
10 10000 5000 4 1090.89 0.60 s
(20.57 %)
2.33 s
(79.43 %)
2.94 s
10 10000 5000 5 311.00 0.60 s
(2.23 %)
26.66 s (97.77 %) 27.26 s
10 10000 5000 6 139.62 0.60 s
(1.15 %)
54.03 s (98.85 %) 54.65 s

n_pop n_gen n_dim pso_ vrnt Best fitness fevals time (percent) PSO time (percent) Total time
1000 100 5000 1 1440.17 0.60 s
(2.14 %)
28.08 s (97.86 %) 28.69 s
1000 100 5000 2 1470.63 0.60 s
(3.67 %)
15.79 s (96.33 %) 16.40 s
1000 100 5000 3 1242.72 0.60 s
(17.02 %)
2.94 s
(82.98 %)
3.54 s
1000 100 5000 4 1244.08 0.60 s
(15.69 %)
3.32 s
(84.31 %)
3.94 s
1000 100 5000 5 1327.64 0.60 s
(2.22 %)
27.77 s (97.78 %) 28.40 s
1000 100 5000 6 1249.19 0.60 s
(1.08 %)
55.25 s (98.92 %) 55.85 s

n_pop n_gen n_dim pso_ vrnt Best fitness fevals time (percent) PSO time (percent) Total time
10 10000 100 1 1.00 0.30 s
(26.20 %)
0.85 s
73.80 %
1.15 s
10 10000 100 2 2.00 0.30 s
(32.34 %)
0.63 s
67.66 %
0.93 s
10 10000 100 3 0.00 0.30 s
(46.68 %)
0.35 s
53.32 %
0.65 s
10 10000 100 4 0.00 0.30 s
(46.93 %)
0.34 s
53.07 %
0.65 s
10 10000 100 5 0.00 0.30 s
(26.03 %)
0.86 s
73.97 %
1.16 s
10 10000 100 6 0.00 0.30 s
(17.94 %)
1.39 s
82.06 %
1.70 s

As you can see, the time taken by PSO variants 1,2,5, and 6 are significantly higher than variants 3 and 4 when number of optimization variables is high (Tables 1 and 2). For low-dimensional problems, the overhead is negligible (Table 3).

In addition, the solution quality of variant 6 in Table 1 is significantly better than the rest but has the worst run-time (20 times than the fastest variant).