esamattis / requirejs-hbs

Simple Handlebars loader plugin for RequireJS
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Add support for partials #13

Open nurpax opened 10 years ago

nurpax commented 10 years ago

It'd be great to have support for partial templates.

nurpax commented 10 years ago

I saw there was #7 which asked for partials, but that was closed without actually adding partial support (right?). Issue #3 mentions someone had a work in progress patch that'd add partials (or dependencies to templates). I think this'd be something that should be supported out of the box without extra dependencies.

kusmierz commented 10 years ago

look at

nurpax commented 10 years ago

This works with only handlebars.runtime when minified with r.js? Using swag means yet another library dependency and +20 KB minimized download size.

kusmierz commented 10 years ago

Yes, it works, I'm using it with r.js. Not 20, but 13kB :)

Anyway. You can also use only partial feature, but I think swag has few another useful (everyday) helpers... So it worth to spend 13kB more, I think.

nurpax commented 9 years ago

I actually found a really easy way to do partials without Swag. I'll try to put together a minimal example and send a PR against your README.

kusmierz commented 9 years ago

would be cool, thanks in advance!

chrisslater commented 9 years ago

Was this issue ever resolved? I am using your implementation and am looking to add partial support myself.

kusmierz commented 9 years ago

unfortunately only using

nurpax commented 9 years ago

Yeah, like I said above, there's an easy way to do this without Swag. I just never sent my PR for the simple example as I was unable to get the hbs example project working and was unable to send a minimal PR against the example project. See

You can pretty much just directly use Handlebars.registerPartial. Here's a use in a bigger project: This project is nowadays rewritten in JSX but this old commit works fine.

define(['jquery', 'handlebars', 'underscore', 'app/view', 'app/model', 'hbs!templates/stats-main', 'hbs!templates/stats-history', 'hbs!templates/exercise-no-edit'], function($, Handlebars, _, view, model, templateStatsMain, templateStatsHistory, templateExercise) {

   Handlebars.registerPartial('exerciseNoEdit', templateExercise);


chrisslater commented 9 years ago

Ok cool I see what you have done here. I was struggling to find how to precompile partials, but I see hbs can do it for me. So taking what you have, I have edited hbs-builder.js to allow me to define a partial in the require string.


and then modify the write output for precompiling requirejs.

# hbs-builder.js
var isPartial = (name.substr(0, 8) === 'partial:');
if (isPartial) {
    "define('hbs!" + name + "', ['handlebars'], function(Handlebars){ \n" +
      "Handlebars = Handlebars || this.Handlebars;\n" +
      "return Handlebars.registerPartial('" + name.substr(8) + "', Handlebars.template(" + compiled.toString() + ")); \n" +
} else {
    "define('hbs!" + name + "', ['handlebars'], function(Handlebars){ \n" +
      "Handlebars = Handlebars || this.Handlebars;\n" +
      "return Handlebars.template(" + compiled.toString() + ");\n" +
# hbs.js
if (isPartial) {
  onload(Handlebars.registerPartial(name, raw));
} else {
  // Just return the compiled template

What are your initial thoughts?

There is definitely improvement to be made (for one the reputation of code for one) and registerPartial doesn't return anything so I may just return the template instead.