esamattis / slimux

SLIME inspired tmux integration plugin for Vim
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Slimux broken in IPython 5 #63

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

When the user sends a visual selection to a pane with IPython 5, slimux only sends the first line. Here is a screenshot the show the result after visual selection (selecting both lines) and <C-c><C-c>:

screenshot from 2016-07-12 22-40-24

By the way, excellent plugin.

apirogov commented 8 years ago

I've got the same issue!

bechampion commented 8 years ago

same here ... bpython works tho

theparadoxofparadox commented 8 years ago

I have this problem too! My only fault for an AWESOME plugin.

I did find though that exiting out of IPython to just a normal bash prompt, SlimuxREPLSendSelection DOES indeed send the selection only, however, after left clicking in the bash prompt pane (and hearing n -1 terminal beeps when copying over n lines). Just DOES work, just not in the new IPython.

shawnwanderson commented 7 years ago

Same issue. Anyone find a workaround?

cgoldammer commented 7 years ago

I found a workaround, but note that I haven't yet checked all corner cases. Here's a line that makes the visual selection mode work with Slimux in Ipython 5 for me, binding the command to <C-c><C-c> (of course, you can bind it to any other shortcut):

vnoremap <C-c><C-c> :<C-w>SlimuxShellRun %cpaste<CR>:'<,'>SlimuxREPLSendSelection<CR>:SlimuxShellRun --<CR>

In short, the idea is to use the %cpaste magic to enter text. This has the added advantage that it probably works better with heavily indented code, although I haven't fully checked.

Here's what it does:

  1. Delete the '<,'> that vim automatically adds to command lines in visual selection mode
  2. Send over %cpaste
  3. Send over the selection, which needs to be preceeded by '<,'>
  4. Send over -- to end the %cpaste magic
karadaharu commented 7 years ago

I just created a PR for adding an option to use %cpaste

lotabout commented 7 years ago

One concern about %cpaste is it will not be saved in ipython's history. Checkout

After some investigation, I found that

  1. Ipython >= 5 will support multiple paste (via Ctrl-V or Command-V). That means it will recognize the pasted content and handle the indentation well(basically keep the indentation).
  2. The pasted content is recognized utilizing a technique called bracketed paste mode
  3. tmux's paste-buffer support bracketed paste mode via -p option.

I've created a PR accordingly: The main advantage of the paste way is that the pasted content will be stored in ipython's history.

elmerehbi commented 6 years ago

I have this on my work station but on my laptop it works just fine!