esayyari / DiscoVista

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Example input .csv files #1

Closed smirarab closed 3 years ago

smirarab commented 7 years ago

Please add examples of the clades definition and annotation files for the 1kp dataset to the repo and refer to them in the appropriate places from the README.

Aannaw commented 3 years ago

I can not find the annotation-hypo.txt in the parameter folder either till now. Is it the same as the annotation file as astral. I am confused "you need an annotation file (“-a”) where you have one line per each species which assigns each species to a major split (clade) separated by tabs" in the readme. Looking forward to responses.

smirarab commented 3 years ago

Have you checked out the the example folder and particularly this folder?

Aannaw commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much fo​r your prompt response. I have checked the folder again, and find the annotation.txt. Are ​there some parame​ters whic​h can display t​he​ all three tre​e topologies ​ corresponding to the bar plot generated by DiscoVisto. The bar plot describes the frequency of three topologies around focal internal branches.​ looking forward to responses.

smirarab commented 3 years ago

Yes, following the example folder tutorial should help you reproduce those results.