esbenp / react-native-clean-form

Easy react-native forms using bootstrap-like syntax with redux-form+immutablejs integration. Styled using styled-components
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Style is breaking when i use 'react-native-clean-form/redux-form-immutable' #64

Open jarbasdossantos opened 6 years ago

jarbasdossantos commented 6 years ago

Hello, I'm having the following problem.

When I use: import { Input, Switch } from 'react-native-clean-form' the style renders correctly. captura de tela 2017-10-02 as 05 10 13

Now, when I use: import { Input, Switch } from 'react-native-clean-form/redux-form-immutable' the styles breaks.

captura de tela 2017-10-02 as 05 09 49

Any idea what's going on?? Thanks...

Vinlock commented 6 years ago

Nothing on this :(. I can't find a single good form framework to use out there........