esbenp / react-native-clean-form

Easy react-native forms using bootstrap-like syntax with redux-form+immutablejs integration. Styled using styled-components
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Can't edit the Email TextInput #66

Closed LouisJS closed 6 years ago

LouisJS commented 6 years ago

"prop-types": "^15.6.0", "react": "16.0.0-beta.5", "react-native": "0.49.1", "react-redux": "^5.0.6", "redux": "^3.7.2", "redux-form": "^7.1.0"

The React Native - Redux Form Implementation Guide 3. Connect the form fields to the store using the Field wrapper

Following the guide, when i arrive at this step and add the 'value' property to my InputText, i can't edit it in my iOS Simulator and so my form doesn't work.

Anyone facing this issue ?

erikras commented 6 years ago

These might be related:

Confirmation that one of these is the cause or solution would be much appreciated.

Att: @jkomyno.

LouisJS commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately, i haven't found any issue nor solution related to mine in your links. No error is triggered but i don't get the desired output.

This is my form which is called by reduxForm

  <View style={styles.container}>
   <Field name="email" component={renderInput} />
   <TouchableOpacity onPress={handleSubmit(submit)}>
     <Text style={styles.button}>Submit</Text>

And this is what my component looks like

 const renderInput = ({ input: { value, onChange, onBlur, onFocus }}) => {
   return <TextInput

The value property freezes the input and the onChangeText doesn't seems to work at all. When i try to submit my form, it appears as an empty object.

I'm not using Immutable.

jkomyno commented 6 years ago

@erikras, I don't have this issue, if necessary I can provide a gist.

@LouisJS, you don't seem to be passing the onChange prop to

LouisJS commented 6 years ago

@jkomyno Hi. I'm passing the input.onChange method to TextInput with onChangeText. It is such a simple case, i don't get why it doesn't work properly.

If there any chances you could provide a working example. We would be sure that i did something the wrong way. 👍

LouisJS commented 6 years ago

Solved. If it ever happens to you. You might have something wrong with your Redux Store setup (very hard to debug without Redux Dev Tools working on Simulator JS debugger) Or checkout if your react-native is not too recent. (had to downgrade to 0.42.x <=)