esbenp / react-native-clean-form

Easy react-native forms using bootstrap-like syntax with redux-form+immutablejs integration. Styled using styled-components
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multiline not working (Android) #87

Open Gabsys opened 6 years ago

Gabsys commented 6 years ago

My code : <Input multiline={true} numberOfLines={5} inlineLabel={false} underlineColorAndroid="#939393"/>

Output : The input box resulted in normal single line input, doesn't become bigger nor enable multiline input

Did I miss anything in my code? O.o

The-Code-Monkey commented 6 years ago

<Input name="message" label="Message" placeholder="" multiline numberOfLines={5} inlineLabel={false} />

you need to do that it wont work without a name as thats how forms work and have you done import { Input } from 'react-native-clean-form/redux-form-immutable

Gabsys commented 6 years ago

Tried inserting name, still not working. and yeah, i did import Input.

As below is my full code:

<Input  name="Address" label="Address" multiline={true} numberOfLines={5} inlinelabel={false}
  onChangeText={address => this.setState({ address })} defaultValue={this.state.member.address}
 placeholder='Ex: 102, Jalan Nima, Taman Nima' autoCorrect={false} blurOnSubmit={false}
 returnKeyType={'next'} underlineColorAndroid="#939393"/>
The-Code-Monkey commented 6 years ago

try removing your onchangetext and i dont think its default value its value

The-Code-Monkey commented 6 years ago

I seem to be getting this issue too now

The-Code-Monkey commented 6 years ago

Im thinking of taking this library and making it my own. this will take a week or so for me to do so allow me a little time ill sort out most of the issues.