Open The-Code-Monkey opened 6 years ago
Did you ever get a fix for this? Cos I have the same issue too.
can you make a gist of your code and ill see if its the same issue
Never mind. Turns out it wasn't the same thing and I fixed mine. Appreciate your will to help though.
So i have copied your example and linked it up to an api endpoint which should error due to not being authenticated but its not seeming to get to the action.
`import { submitForm } from '../../reducers/audits';
const onSubmit = (values) => { console.warn(values); submitForm(values); }; const countryOptions = [ { label: 'Denmark', value: 'DK' }, { label: 'Germany', value: 'DE' }, { label: 'United State', value: 'US' }, ];
class Audit extends Component { render() { const { handleSubmit, submitting } = this.props;
} }
export default reduxForm({ form: 'Form', validate: (values) => { const errors = {};
}, })(Audit);`
this is all my code im not sure where im going wrong as that console warn will warn me with the object with my field values in it but some reason it wont hit the submitForm from my reducer.
I am new to react-native I am normally a reactjs dev