Hello @eschava thank you for your work on this, very simple to use but so useful! Is it possible to make the birth and will message retained? (or make it optional in the config), only this message! This is useful to know the status of the client on the controller (for example home assistant) start. If The controller starts after the broadlink client, it will not receive the bridge status if this is not retained.
Referring to https://github.com/eschava/broadlink-mqtt/issues/71
Hello @eschava thank you for your work on this, very simple to use but so useful! Is it possible to make the birth and will message retained? (or make it optional in the config), only this message! This is useful to know the status of the client on the controller (for example home assistant) start. If The controller starts after the broadlink client, it will not receive the bridge status if this is not retained.
Thank you