eschnou / storytlr

Storytlr is an opensource lifestreaming and microblogging platform written in PHP. Note: The default branch (master) is the development branch, if you need a stable version, see the release-XX branches, tags, or downloads.
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Short urls not working in 1.0 #17

Closed julienferla closed 14 years ago

julienferla commented 14 years ago

when I post a thing in my Storytlr it generate a short url and tweet the new post

for exemple look at this tweet:

but the short url redirect on a blank page. have any idea why ?

thank your for help

eschnou commented 14 years ago

Blank page probably means some PHP error somewhere. Can you please:


julienferla commented 14 years ago

here it is the message on the blank page after debug = 1

Fatal error: Call to undefined method Stuffpress_Application::getDomain() in /home/juliench/public_html/protected/application/admin/models/ShortUrl.php on line 95

eschnou commented 14 years ago

Thanks Julien. I found the issue. It is indeed a bug, I'll fix it and release 1.0.1 as soon as possible. Sorry for that.

In the meanwhile, you can repleace the file protected/library/Stuffpress/Application.php with this one:

It should do the trick.

julienferla commented 14 years ago

Thank you for the quick fix, Yes it work with this new file !