eschulte / rinari

Rinari Is Not A Rails IDE (it is an Emacs minor mode for Rails)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Gemfile does not be opened using Ruby-mode #46

Closed IsraelBuitronD closed 11 years ago

IsraelBuitronD commented 11 years ago

When I open a Gemfile I expect that the buffer where it will be opened has actived Ruby syntax and Rinari minor mode. But it only has rinari-mode actived.

Is that ok?

purcell commented 11 years ago

Yes, that's not the responsibility of rinari. You need to add something like the following to your Emacs init files:

(dolist (pattern '("\\.rb$" "Rakefile$" "\.rake$" "\.rxml$" "\.rjs$" ".irbrc$" "\.builder$" "\.ru$" "\.gemspec$" "Gemfile$"))
   (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist (cons pattern 'ruby-mode)))