escofresco / tinydoor

How's the crowd feeling tonight?
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Update About Page #46

Closed UPstartDeveloper closed 4 years ago

UPstartDeveloper commented 4 years ago

Hey fellas! @escofresco @asha952


During Sprint 3, your mission is to primarily improve the front end of the site, by working on "Integrate Bootstrap Theme" for Issue #13 .


As a stretch challenge, once you accomplish this goal we also need you to update the About page of the site.


I will leave the exact wording up to you, but essentially we need to convey 2 important messages about the site to store managers (as discussed during the War Room on 7/5/2020):

  1. Facial Expressions DO NOT Equal Human Emotions

As stated in the AWS documentation, we cannot use facial expressions alone to know what emotions a person is actually feeling about the store. As humans we are very good at "impression management", or manipulating body language to signal emotions we don't actually feel. Alternatively, sometimes people may use very different facial expressions in response to the same emotion.

  1. Tinydoor is Best Used on Large-Scale, Randomly Sampled Data

Therefore, Tinydoor's Customer Satisfaction score is only an indicator of customer satisfaction with a retail store, not a tell-tale metric. That being said, store managers can increase the reliability of the score (or at least reduce its ambiguity) by making a consistent practice of uploading videos to the site. This way as more and more of video of customers is uploaded, the trends in the Tinydoor score will give insights into customer satisfaction, as opposed to simply relying on the score itself.

"Randomly Sampled" data in this case refers to how the videos are taken. Ideally, stores should upload videos taken at different parts of the day, in different parts of the store, and on several different days of the week. This will help ensure the data is as representative of how the majority of customers feel about the store.

UPstartDeveloper commented 4 years ago

Shout out to @escofresco, your input today at the mentorship check-in with Microsoft also suggested it would be good to include the same "Why", "What", and "How" information from the README, on the About page of the website as well.