escoz / QuickDialog

QuickDialog - Quick and easy dialog screens for iOS
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Cannot change presentationMode on a QRadioElement #688

Closed JiDai closed 4 years ago

JiDai commented 10 years ago


I cannot change presentationMode on a QRadioElement. QRadioElement has always a presentationMode = QPresentationModeNavigationInPopover . Here is my code for changing the mode :

QRadioElement *eventChoice = [[QRadioElement alloc] initWithItems:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSLocalizedString(@"N.C.", @""), nil] selected:0 title:NSLocalizedString(@"Title", @"")];
[section addElement:eventChoice];
[eventChoice setPresentationMode:QPresentationModeModalForm];

I tried to add to section after setting presentationMode but it did not change anything.

After looking the source of QradioElement.m, I found a line self.presentationMode = QPresentationModeNavigationInPopover;. If I remove it, the presentation mode works well.
