escoz / QuickDialog

QuickDialog - Quick and easy dialog screens for iOS
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Null element when calling controller action #709

Closed nbonamy closed 9 years ago

nbonamy commented 9 years ago

In a setup wich Cocoapods 0.35 and Xcode 6.2 my controller actions are called but the passed parameter (QElement*) is NULL.

After debugging, it looks like the call to objc_msgSend(_controller,selector, self); in QElement performAction and performAccessoryAction is the culprit. Replaced it with: [_controller performSelector:selector withObject:self]; and things get back working.

Why is the need for the objc_msgSend call in the first place instead of performSelector?

Thanks, Nicolas

nbonamy commented 9 years ago

When switching to Cocoapods 0.36, I get a compile error on the objc_msgSend line: Too many arguments to function call, expected 0, have 3

performSelector call obviously fixes this also

nbonamy commented 9 years ago

Realized this is fixed on "trunk" but not in 1.0 tagged version. Replaced my Podfile with pod 'QuickDialog', :git => '', :commit => 'c5891e6d63def55af5b7f5f5efe8d64330d3a4fd'