esden / summon-arm-toolchain

This project is not under active development any more. Consider using instead! A very simple build script for bare metal arm toolchain. NO LINUX!
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Install step fails "silently". #27

Closed rewolff closed 11 years ago

rewolff commented 12 years ago

I jumped in and typed "./summon-arm-toolchain" . It compiled a whole lot of things, and in the end I was left with.... nothing.

It turns out (I think) that it compiles and then installs the programs, but it fails silently (burried under the tons of "normal" output) at installing because I had not added "SUDO=sudo" on the commandline.

I think the compile step should create a stamp called "compile", and then the install should stamp "install", but only when succesful.

And in the end, the cleanup should only delete the build when the install is successful .

twaldecker commented 12 years ago

Hi rewolff,

you should read the README File:


By default the installation prefix is "$(HOME)/sat" you can change it to "/usr" then the binaries will be installed into "/usr/bin" and the toolchain specific files in "/usr/arm-none-eabi" assuming you did not change the TARGET variable.

rewolff commented 12 years ago

You might be right. On the other hand, if I already set "prefix=/usr", then I think I'll have to wait out a whole new compile session because my suggestion "stamp-compile" hasn't been implemented.

twaldecker commented 12 years ago

If I understand you right, you want a new stamp. Just go a head fork it. Seems not too difficult to implement.

esden commented 11 years ago

The default directory and intended usage of this script is to install in your home directory. If you use non standard directory then using sudo for installing in root owned directories would be useful. Patch for this functionality is welcomed. :)

rewolff commented 11 years ago

When I started developing for x86 I typed: "apt-get install gcc" and I had a compiler. substitute avr-gcc and I get the compiler for AVR. It should be this simple for ARM as well. And apparently it is. It seems I now have two ARM compilers installed, one through the normal APT system. I'm happy.

In hindsight, I think I found the installed compiler in ~/sat a few months later. It silently installed it there, and didn't tell me about it. Or, as had been said before I should've read the README.

esden commented 11 years ago

I am glad you found a solution that works for you. And I am glad that there was not an issue with locm3 at the end. Thanks for trying it out though. :)