eserte / cpan-testers-matrix

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Stylesheet preferences don't appear to work due to style tag being commented out. #23

Open shamrice opened 1 year ago

shamrice commented 1 year ago

Changing the stylesheet preference seems to be broken due to the style tag on being commented out. (


  <style type="text/css"><!--
  .action_PASS    { background:#00ff00; }
  .action_NA      { background:#0000c0; }
  .action_UNKNOWN { background:#0000c0; }
  .action_FAIL    { background:#800000; }
  .action_INVALID { background:#0000c0; }

  .maxver_PASSNEW { background:green;      }
  .maxver_PASSANY { background:lightgreen; }
  .maxver_NONE    { background:red;        }  

  .fgaction_PASS    { color:green;  }
  .fgaction_NA      { color:orange; }
  .fgaction_UNKNOWN { color:orange; }
  .fgaction_FAIL    { color:red;    }
  .fgaction_INVALID { color:orange; }

  table       { border-collapse:collapse; }
  th,td           { border:1px solid black; }
  th                { padding: 0 }
  body        { font-family:sans-serif; }
  form            { display: inline-block; margin: 0 0 1em 0; }

  .search_container { margin: 0 2em; }
  .bt th,td   { border:none; height:2.2ex; }

  .reports th     { border:2px solid black; padding-left:3px; padding-right:3px; }
  .reports td     { border:1px solid black; padding-left:3px; padding-right:3px; }

  .warn           { color:red; font-weight:bold; }
  .warn a:link    { color:red; font-weight:bold; }
  .warn a:visited { color:red; font-weight:bold; }
  .warn a:hover   { color:red; font-weight:bold; }
  .warn a:active  { color:red; font-weight:bold; }
  .sml            { font-size: x-small; }
  .unimpt         { font-size: smaller; }

  th>a            { text-decoration: none; padding: 1px 5px; display: inline-block; min-width: 70px; margin: 0; }
  th>a:hover      { background-color: blue; color: white; }

  td.action_PASS:hover  { background-color: #050; }

  h1>a            { color:black; text-decoration: none; }

  div.downtime_teaser { float:right; font-size:x-small; background-color:#fffff0; color:#000000; border: 1px solid black; -moz-border-radius:10px; border-radius:10px; padding:10px; }
eserte commented 1 year ago

Can you exactly specify where (browser+version) and how things do not work? The comments should not do anything here.

shamrice commented 1 year ago

Sorry, you're right. It looks like it was a caching issue. When I changed preferences and then searched the distribution I was just at, it had the same colors. Hitting F5 to do a full refresh updated to the new settings


Browser used: Firefox 111.0.1 (64bit) Ubuntu 20.04.