Closed albertojorge1983 closed 9 months ago
The metadata stream is sending the data as a stream of objects rather than as strings or buffers. If you want to save the metadata into a file, you'll need to serialize the objects before writing to the file. You can do this by creating a transform stream that takes in the metadata objects, serializes using JSON.stringify
(or some other format if you prefer), and outputs the string.
Great thanks. I did something like this and it works like charm:
transform () {
return new Transform({
objectMode: true,
transform(chunk, encoding, callback) {
try {
callback(null, JSON.stringify(chunk))
} catch (error) {
and then I pipe to it like this and just works:
Thank you so much. Another thing that I can't make work are both callbacks. Maye you can suggest something about it. This is the way I was trying to implement those but are not printing a thing, so basically they not been called:
const u = url.parse(this.config.url, true)
const options = {
hostname: u.hostname,
path: u.path,
headers: {
'Icy-MetaData': 1
this.req = https.get(options, async (response) => {
if (this.config.record) {
await Headers.insertOne({
session_id: this.config.session_id,
stream_id: this.config.stream_id,
meta: response.headers
// Check if directory exist with stream_id as name if it doesn't, then create it
if (!fs.existsSync(this.pathLogs)) {
fs.mkdirSync(this.pathLogs, { recursive: true })
const module = await import('icecast-metadata-js')
const IcecastMetadataStream = module.IcecastMetadataStream
const options = {
icyMetaInt: parseInt(response.headers['icy-metaint']),
mimeType: response.headers['content-type'],
onStream: (value) => {
onMetadata: (value) => {
const icecastStream = new IcecastMetadataStream(options)
const streamWriteFile = fs.createWriteStream(`${this.pathLogs}/${this.config.session_id.toString()}.mp3`)
const metadataWriteFile = fs.createWriteStream(`${this.pathLogs}/${this.config.session_id.toString()}.txt`)
this.req.on('error', (err) => {
console.log("Error: ", err)
Both callback onMetadata
and onStream
are not getting called. Maybe I'm missing something.
Thank u so much for your help.
Again, great work at this packages.
Look forward to hear from you.
Awesome job by the way. You are making my life way easier ;).
This is the way I'm trying to implement the IcecastMetadataStream class, but I'm getting that weird error at the top. This is the implementation. Maybe Im missing something but I'm kind of stuck in here:
and here u can see the whole error. It is specific when piping
pipe works great.Thanks in advance and look forward to your help.