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Use character search to discover jumpbridges #1185

Open Rsgm opened 4 years ago

Rsgm commented 4 years ago

Feature Request

I would like to request permission to use the /characters/{character_id}/search/ endpoint to discover available jumpbridges. Currently there is no way to query a list of jumpbridges that a character has access to use outside of the character search and the /corporations/{corporation_id}/structures/ endpoint.

The issue with the corporation structures endpoint is that it requires director roles, however the list of available jumpbridges is viewable in game to any character without director roles. It is also the case that coalitions sharing jumpbridge networks may not have director keys from every corp in allied alliances.

The issue with the character search endpoint is that we are trying to discover structures. This seems to be considered abuse of the API, as outlined in this devblog. Specifically,

From this point forwards, using the search endpoints as a discovery mechanism will be considered abuse of the API, and will be met with bans. There will be a grace period of 1 week from the release of this blog for people to turn off their scrapers. People who increase the rate of scraping during this week will be banned from the API.

Adding an endpoint that can supply this data has already been requested over a year ago, #716, #1084. This is request is much simpler and requires no work on CCP's part since the functionality already exists.

I would like to request clarification of that rule, or an exception to the rule be made for querying jumpbridges.

Use case

I maintain a jumpbridge map for my alliance/coalition. I need an automated way to keep the list synced with what is in game.

To search for jumpbridges, you have to search for ">> {letter}", where letter is a-z, then 0-9. Each jumpbridge update requires at least 36 calls to be made.


Authentication is already handled

Example return



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lukasni commented 4 years ago

This is a bit of a tricky subject. Your use-case is pretty harmless. You can probably get away with doing a search from a few characters once or twice a day to keep your info up to date. A few hundred requests a day, at most. That should be fine. Much like several people were using search for structure discovery with no issue before that got clamped down on.

The problem isn't people like you, doing some minor discovery. The problem is that not everyone was doing that. Some very brute-forcy applications forced CCPs hand, hence to complete ban of scraping.

Now, it's possible CCP see this request and figure, what's the harm, we can allow that. But there's a distinct possibility that that will lead to someone else seeing that, deciding the loosened restrictions apply to their use case too, except that they'll end up brute-forcing it again.

Not my call to make, it's a valid request and I'm leaving it open, but be aware that it's a bit of a contentious subject ^^

Slazanger commented 4 years ago

I ran into this exact case for jump bridges with SMT; After chatting things through with ccp i ended up with a user editable search box (with a sensible default) and it couldn't be automatic; had to be user initiated