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Get fleet member's location without having Fleet Boss #772

Open ArtificialQualia opened 6 years ago

ArtificialQualia commented 6 years ago

Feature request


Something like /fleets/{fleet_id}/location/


Would require esi-fleets.read_fleet.v1 but NOT require fleet boss like /fleets/{fleet_id}/members/ does

Use case

For tracking the fleet's location on third party maps without the need for fleet boss so normal fleet members can use it (this information is already given in the in-game map without requiring fleet boss)

Example returns

Response {
  List of fleet members [
    character_id: integer,
    wing_id: integer,
    squad_id: integer,
    role: stringtitle,
    role_name: stringtitle,
    solar_system_id: integer

Previous XML or CREST route

CREST has /fleets/{fleet_id}/members/ like ESI does, but they both show ship types, which is presumably why this request is restricted to those with the Fleet Boss role. However, fleet member location is reported in-game without having that role, so it should be available with just the esi-fleets.read_fleet.v1 permission.

antihax commented 6 years ago

This would be abused by spy tools allowing enemies to get one spy in fleet and follow the location of everyone via API instead of word of mouth.

Aidansavage commented 6 years ago

Already available. Character endpoint offers location tracking.

antihax commented 6 years ago

Just to clarify that: characters/{characterID}/location provides the location of the character with the token only. corporations/{corporation_id}/membertracking/ provides all corporation member locations and requires director role.

ArtificialQualia commented 6 years ago

@antihax I understand your concern, but I'm not sure that having an extra step in the process of reading the data from a client rather than API makes this that much more abusable. Either the information shouldn't be available to spies, and therefore shouldn't be on the in-game map like it already is, or the information should be available to those in the fleet, and should be available via API like the other fleet information is.

alexbaileyuk commented 6 years ago

This would simply implement a feature already present in the game and not a bug in game so I don't see why it would cause any issues. Yes it will be used by spies but that's no different to now...

Kyria commented 6 years ago

Now: require a person actively playing to spy. With that: require a 10th of afk people joining a random fleet to report thousands of people.

Will be abused and nobody wants that.

Now please if you still want to argue on this, make a slack channel, discuss that there and put the log here for traceability instead of spamming every subscribed Dev with something they don't want anyway.

alexbaileyuk commented 6 years ago

It doesn't change much at all. It's down to the FC team and Intelligence teams now to fight spies and nothing changes. Most back up FC's will whip through the list of fleet members once or twice and kick or report suspicious activity. Only difference is instead of a big bubble on an in game map, you can get it in another format.

CarbonAlabel commented 6 years ago

The in-game map exposes a lot of information that GD might not want available over ESI. We should get their opinion on this request.