Closed samsam002 closed 1 year ago
Hello @samsam002,
You need to provide a certificate chain in the form of "encodedCertificate"s (the same should be done for a "signingCertificate"), i.e.:
"certificateChain" : [ {
}, {
"encodedCertificate" : "MIIEejCCA2KgAwIBAgIDAYciMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMH8x..."
} ],
Best regards, Aleksandr.
it works like a charm ! thank you very much
Hi, I'm trying to use the REST API to sign a document using the signature value obtained from NexU the picture below shows the paylod i use;
i got a 500 Error, related to the parsing of the certificate chain