esl / MongooseIM

MongooseIM is Erlang Solutions' robust, scalable and efficient XMPP server, aimed at large installations. Specifically designed for enterprise purposes, it is fault-tolerant and can utilise the resources of multiple clustered machines.
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Error while building on MacOS Sierra #1024

Closed vickydhas closed 7 years ago

vickydhas commented 7 years ago

MongooseIM version: Latest as on github Installed from: GitHub downloaded source as on this mail link Erlang/OTP version: latest rev as of available for the Mac

I have installed the erlang , also tried to install mongoose IM with DMG installation process and successful. However if I want to make any customisation and rebuild mongooseIM I have used this source to make the release build.

The make command gives this error at last.

Compiling /Users/...../MongooseIM-master/apps/ejabberd/c_src/tls_drv.c
/Users/....../MongooseIM-master/apps/ejabberd/c_src/tls_drv.c:24:10: fatal error: 'openssl/ssl.h' file not found
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
1 error generated.
ERROR: compile failed while processing /Users/...../MongooseIM-master/apps/ejabberd: rebar_abort
make: *** [compile] Error 1

When i type the openssl command on terminal I do get the OpenSSL > shell for executing operations.

Any help is much appreciated.

michalwski commented 7 years ago

Hi @vickydhas,

Thanks for contacting use. Here is a workaround (provided you have openssl installed via HomeBrew)

LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include make rel

basically on MacOS X Sierra and El Capitan you need to export the LDFLAGS and CFLAGS before building MongooseIM for the first time.

PS. Congratulations on getting the round 1024 issue number :D

vickydhas commented 7 years ago

Same error

If I type $openssl I can get the commands but when i use this LDFLAGS code i still get this same error. ...... Compiling /Users/...../MongooseIM-master/apps/ejabberd/c_src/tls_drv.c /Users/...../MongooseIM-master/apps/ejabberd/c_src/tls_drv.c:24:10: fatal error: 'openssl/ssl.h' file not found

include <openssl/ssl.h>


1 error generated. ERROR: compile failed while processing /Users/..../MongooseIM-master/apps/ejabberd: rebar_abort make: *\ [rel] Error 1

chinhniem80 commented 7 years ago

Before I got the same situation, I just copy openssl source code to the folder where the C code complie, in your case, I think the folder will be .../ejabberd/c_src. Hope this help.

michalwski commented 7 years ago

@vickydhas, did you install openssl from brew or port? Chances are the paths are different then in the example I've sent.

Could you please try to find where on your system is the ssl.h file? A simple find command like the following should help:

find / -name ssl.h
chinhniem80 commented 7 years ago

I found the old issue here: I fixed this: just copying openssl folder into /usr/local/include Try this one.

vickydhas commented 7 years ago

Hello Michal, I am new to this (my bad apology for same), I did fresh install macOSSierra in which I don't have to install openssl.

I see the openssl command already in build in the terminal , assume that this is already given by the macOS. But to be sure to your guided instructions I have done following steps so we both are in sync of discussion

I installed HomeBrew using following command.

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Got all this working ....

==> This script will install: /usr/local/bin/brew /usr/local/share/doc/homebrew /usr/local/share/man/man1/brew.1 /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_brew /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/brew /usr/local/Homebrew ==> The following existing directories will be made group writable: /usr/local/bin /usr/local/lib ==> The following existing directories will have their owner set to vickydhas: /usr/local/bin /usr/local/lib ==> The following existing directories will have their group set to admin: /usr/local/bin /usr/local/lib ==> The following new directories will be created: /usr/local/Cellar /usr/local/Homebrew /usr/local/Frameworks /usr/local/etc /usr/local/include /usr/local/opt /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/share /usr/local/share/zsh /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/local/var ....... Checking connectivity... done. Tapped 3610 formulae (3,758 files, 9.3M) Already up-to-date. ==> Installation successful! ==> Next steps Run brew help to get started Further documentation: MAchine-MBP:/ machinembp$

Now i have brew just FYI When i do $which openssl I see this as output /usr/bin/openssl

Now what else I can do to get the make command make the mongooseIM github source building. Also I have installed mongooseIM using mongooseim_1.5.1-1-osx-10.9_amd64.dmg which have taken default configuration which I am trying to find how to add more modules that not listed in default ejabber.cfg.

michalwski commented 7 years ago

Ok, since you have brew now, you can install openssl by:

brew install openssl

After that please check if you have the ssl.h file somewhere inside /usr/local.

find /usr/local -name ssl.h

Chances are that the path will be exactly like the one I suggested you in my first response.

There is no need to apology for being new into sth. This is great you are discovering new things!

chinhniem80 commented 7 years ago

Hi @vickydhas, I mean you need to copy the openssl source (not the binary), especially the header file (because it locate at 'include' folder). Or you can do by Michalwski's instruction.

michalwski commented 7 years ago

I see you forgot about exporting LDFLAGS and CFLAGS. Let's try this:

LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2j/lib CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2j/include make rel

The important thing is that you export the vars before running any make.

Also it would be better if you could link openssl to /usr/local/opt/openssl in order to be able to compile MongooseIM after you upgrade openssl.

Could you please show your output for the following command:

brew info openssl
vickydhas commented 7 years ago

1) First on running the flags

Vickys-MBP:openssl vickydhas$ LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2j/lib CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2j/include make rel
make: *** No rule to make target `rel'.  Stop.

2) Brew command output

Vickys-MBP:openssl vickydhas$ brew info openssl
openssl: stable 1.0.2j (bottled) [keg-only]
SSL/TLS cryptography library
/usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2j (1,695 files, 12M)
  Poured from bottle on 2016-10-12 at 16:55:14
==> Dependencies
Build: makedepend ✘
==> Options
    Build a universal binary
    Skip build-time tests (not recommended)
==> Caveats
A CA file has been bootstrapped using certificates from the system
keychain. To add additional certificates, place .pem files in
and run

This formula is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local.

Apple has deprecated use of OpenSSL in favor of its own TLS and crypto libraries

Generally there are no consequences of this for you. If you build your
own software and it requires this formula, you'll need to add to your
build variables:

    LDFLAGS:  -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib
    CPPFLAGS: -I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include
michalwski commented 7 years ago

1). In which directory are you trying to run this command? The output suggests me this is not MongooseIM's root directory.

2). That's good, you can use /usr/local/openssl paths now.

To sum up. Go to MongooseIM's root dir and run this command:

LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include make rel
vickydhas commented 7 years ago

Vickys-MBP:openssl vickydhas$ cd ~/Desktop/chatapp/MongooseIM-master Vickys-MBP:MongooseIM-master vickydhas$ ls VERSION deps.log examples mkdocs.yml rebar.config.script apps dialyzer.ignore-warnings fake_cert.pem priv rel COPYING compile.log fake_key.pem src Makefile configure.out doc fake_server.pem rebar test deps elvis.config index.html rebar.config tools Vickys-MBP:MongooseIM-master vickydhas$ LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include make rel ./rebar get-deps > deps.log 2>&1 || (cat deps.log; exit 1) /bin/sh: deps.log: Permission denied ==> base16 (get-deps) ==> cuesport (get-deps) =....... ==> rel (get-deps) ==> MongooseIM-master (get-deps) make: *\ [deps] Error 1 Vickys-MBP:MongooseIM-master vickydhas$

vickydhas commented 7 years ago

But if i run with sudo command this is what i got

Vickys-MBP:MongooseIM-master vickydhas$ sudo LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include make rel Password: ./rebar get-deps > deps.log 2>&1 || (cat deps.log; exit 1) . ./configure.out && ./rebar compile generate -f ==> base16 (compile) ==> cuesport (compile) ==> redo (compile) ==> exml (compile) make[1]: Nothing to be done for shared_libs'. ==> goldrush (compile) ==> lager (compile) ==> syslog (compile) ==> lager_syslog (compile) ==> cowlib (compile) ==> ranch (compile) ==> cowboy (compile) ==> edown (compile) ==> parse_trans (compile) ==> meck (compile) ==> bear (compile) ==> folsom (compile) ==> setup (compile) ==> edown (escriptize) ==> setup (escriptize) ==> src (compile) ==> exometer_core (compile) ==> src (compile) ==> exometer (compile) ==> mochijson2 (compile) ==> jiffy (compile) ==> alarms (compile) ==> fusco (compile) ==> idna (compile) ==> poolboy (compile) ==> quickrand (compile) ==> uuid (compile) ==> seestar (compile) ==> protobuffs (pre_compile) ==> protobuffs (compile) ==> hamcrest (pre_compile) ==> hamcrest (compile) ==> hamcrest (post_compile) ==> riak_pb (pre_compile) ==> riak_pb (compile) ==> riakc (compile) ==> p1_utils (compile) ==> cache_tab (compile) ==> stringprep (compile) ==> proper (compile) make[1]:include/compile_flags.hrl' is up to date. ==> pa (compile) ==> usec (compile) ==> jsx (compile) ==> ecoveralls (compile) ==> mustache (compile) ==> recon (compile) ==> ejabberd (compile) Compiling c_src/tls_drv.c c_src/tls_drv.c:559:15: warning: comparison of unsigned expression >= 0 is always true [-Wtautological-compare] if (rlen >= 0)

1 warning generated.
Compiling c_src/ejabberd_zlib_drv.c
==> mysql (compile)
/Users/....../MongooseIM-master/apps/mysql/src/mysql_recv.erl:12: Warning: Non-UTF-8 character(s) detected, but no encoding declared. Encode the file in UTF-8 or add "%% coding: latin-1" at the beginning of the file. Retrying with latin-1 encoding.
Compiled src/mysql_recv.erl
Compiled src/mysql_auth.erl
/Users/....../MongooseIM-master/apps/mysql/src/mysql_conn.erl:12: Warning: Non-UTF-8 character(s) detected, but no encoding declared. Encode the file in UTF-8 or add "%% coding: latin-1" at the beginning of the file. Retrying with latin-1 encoding.
Compiled src/mysql_conn.erl
/Users/....../MongooseIM-master/apps/mysql/src/mysql.erl:8: Warning: Non-UTF-8 character(s) detected, but no encoding declared. Encode the file in UTF-8 or add "%% coding: latin-1" at the beginning of the file. Retrying with latin-1 encoding.
Compiled src/mysql.erl
==> pgsql (compile)
Compiled src/pgsql_util.erl
Compiled src/pgsql.erl
Compiled src/pgsql_tcp.erl
Compiled src/pgsql_proto.erl
==> rel (compile)
==> MongooseIM-master (compile)
==> meck (pre_compile)
==> meck (compile)
==> protobuffs (pre_compile)
==> protobuffs (compile)
==> hamcrest (pre_compile)
==> hamcrest (compile)
==> hamcrest (post_compile)
==> riak_pb (pre_compile)
==> riak_pb (compile)
Compiled src/mongooseim.erl
==> rel (generate)
WARN:  'generate' command does not apply to directory /Users/....../MongooseIM-master
Vickys-MBP:MongooseIM-master vickydhas$ open .
Vickys-MBP:MongooseIM-master vickydhas$ 
michalwski commented 7 years ago

I see you have some mess with file permissions now. I have to ask you to remove current sources completely, clone the source code again and try without sudo.

vickydhas commented 7 years ago

Okay I will try deleting the mongoose code and redownload and try.

Do i need to set some permission to specific folder for this.

Also as one of my friend advices that OpenSSL have issues on mac so suggest to install Linux over OVM and install mongooseim server in that rather macOS.

What's your advice michal?

On Wednesday, 12 October 2016, Michał Piotrowski wrote:

I see you have some mess with file permissions now. I have to ask you to remove current sources completely, clone the source code again and try without sudo.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

Sent from my iPhone6+

michalwski commented 7 years ago

Do i need to set some permission to specific folder for this.

As long as you clone the repo and build the project as the same user, you are all set.

Also as one of my friend advices that OpenSSL have issues on mac so suggest to install Linux over OVM and install mongooseim server in that rather macOS. What's your advice michal?

I'd like to learn about this issues. I use MacOS X for day to day development with openssl installed from brew. I don't see a need for running an VM with linux just for that.

Other thing is the production system, here I usually use CentOS or Ubuntu :)

vickydhas commented 7 years ago

Yeah he mentioned Ubuntu sorry my bad.

On Wednesday, 12 October 2016, Michał Piotrowski wrote:

Do i need to set some permission to specific folder for this.

As long as you clone the repo and build the project as the same user, you are all set.

Also as one of my friend advices that OpenSSL have issues on mac so suggest to install Linux over OVM and install mongooseim server in that rather macOS. What's your advice michal?

I'd like to learn about this issues. I use MacOS X for day to day development with openssl installed from brew. I don't see a need for running an VM with linux just for that.

Other thing is the production system, here I usually use CentOS or Ubuntu :)

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

Sent from my iPhone6+

michalwski commented 7 years ago

I mean Ubuntu or CentOS for your production system. But to try MongooseIM, play with configuration and what not, MacOS X is fine.

vickydhas commented 7 years ago

After I followed to clone again and put the folder in some other location I get this. Dont understand where to go from here.

Vickys-MBP:MongooseIM vickydhas$ cd /Users/...../mytemp/MongooseIM Vickys-MBP:MongooseIM vickydhas$ sudo LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include make rel ./rebar get-deps > deps.log 2>&1 || (cat deps.log; exit 1) . ./configure.out && ./rebar compile generate -f ==> base16 (compile) ==> cuesport (compile) ==> redo (compile) ==> exml (compile) make[1]: Nothing to be done for shared_libs'. ==> goldrush (compile) ==> lager (compile) ==> syslog (compile) ==> lager_syslog (compile) ==> cowlib (compile) ==> ranch (compile) ==> cowboy (compile) ==> edown (compile) ==> parse_trans (compile) ==> meck (compile) ==> bear (compile) ==> folsom (compile) ==> setup (compile) ==> edown (escriptize) ==> setup (escriptize) ==> src (compile) ==> exometer_core (compile) ==> src (compile) ==> exometer (compile) ==> mochijson2 (compile) ==> jiffy (compile) ==> alarms (compile) ==> fusco (compile) ==> idna (compile) ==> poolboy (compile) ==> quickrand (compile) ==> uuid (compile) ==> seestar (compile) ==> protobuffs (pre_compile) ==> protobuffs (compile) ==> hamcrest (pre_compile) ==> hamcrest (compile) ==> hamcrest (post_compile) ==> riak_pb (pre_compile) ==> riak_pb (compile) ==> riakc (compile) ==> p1_utils (compile) ==> cache_tab (compile) ==> stringprep (compile) ==> proper (compile) make[1]:include/compile_flags.hrl' is up to date. ==> pa (compile) ==> usec (compile) ==> jsx (compile) ==> ecoveralls (compile) ==> mustache (compile) ==> recon (compile) ==> ejabberd (compile) ==> mysql (compile) ==> pgsql (compile) ==> rel (compile) ==> MongooseIM (compile) ==> meck (pre_compile) ==> meck (compile) ==> protobuffs (pre_compile) ==> protobuffs (compile) ==> hamcrest (pre_compile) ==> hamcrest (compile) ==> hamcrest (post_compile) ==> riak_pb (pre_compile) ==> riak_pb (compile) ==> rel (generate) WARN: 'generate' command does not apply to directory /Users/..../mytemp/MongooseIM Vickys-MBP:MongooseIM ...$

michalwski commented 7 years ago

Looks like you got MongooseIM built :) Did you have chance to look at this doc:

michalwski commented 7 years ago

A slight advice, you don't need to use sudo to clone and build MongooseIM especially if you are doing it somewhere in your home directory.

vickydhas commented 7 years ago

Okay i just checked the last line is warning so ignored and see that in rel/mongooseim folder all my executable files are created. I referred the above link but have this confusion.

Now my initial DMG is active so if i run the mongooseim command i doubt this ia happening from the DMG installed server.

I will check in above link how to make the older server removed and put this new one, and try running the same.

vickydhas commented 7 years ago

Sudo is required else its giving me error (1) for some reason , don't know why but will try now.

vickydhas commented 7 years ago

Can you advice me as i don't see how can i clean entire previous mongooseIM installed via DMG and migrate this compiled package from source to relevant folders.

I read about some configuration script but am not capable to digest its theory.

Appreciate if you can guide over this, hope this will resolve my My SQL issue as well.

michalwski commented 7 years ago

In the DMG image there should be and uninstall.tool script. You can run it from your shell.

vickydhas commented 7 years ago

Okay I think I tried from non shell prompt so not working lemme give a try mate.

On Thursday, 13 October 2016, Michał Piotrowski wrote:

In the DMG image there should be and uninstall.tool script. You can run it from your shell.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

Sent from my iPhone6+

vickydhas commented 7 years ago


Ok great I uninstalled and cannot see the mongooseim command neither the folders in /usr/local/bin ,etc and lib.

I can however go to the rel folder and run the command goin in bin/mongooseim, etc/ejabberd.cfg to change paramters.

Ok i think we can close this query with one last question how to put this rel latest compiled stuff into relevant folders like DMG does and setting path so its found everywhere ??.

michalwski commented 7 years ago

The simplest way for trying out or developing would be to add modify your PATH env by adding path to the rel/mongooseim/bin. Please remember to use absolute path.

There is also another way described here: but on MacOS X I'd recommend the simplest way.

vickydhas commented 7 years ago

Ok i thought so , never mind for now I am development so will set the path and then remove if not required.

So other etc, logs and other folders are not mattered right as the rel/bin will always take its partner folders and not if stored anywhere.

Ok I can close this request but as this is fixed for me. I really want to thank you Michal to handhold me in such good way and teach when things are unknown. Appreciate your work . 👍 💯 :)

I'll open the MySQL Query and have discussion there.

vickydhas commented 7 years ago

Hello All / Michal,

Still same issue again, this time I'll keep it short as I have taken steps all as you've mentioned but seems small logical error.

1) I have not done any operations using su, sudo just worked all in sh shell sh-3.2$: 2) Step 1: installed brew erlang to be sure to have again latest copy and check with erl command if its installed succesfully (done) 3) Step 2: sh-3.2$ git clone to clone the MongooseIM source in ~/Projects/myapps/MongooseIM 4) Step 3: Tried this to confirm to get #import <openssl.h> error

sh-3.2$ cd MongooseIM/
sh-3.2$ make

 ...Lot files compiled for .erl......

 #include <openssl/ssl.h>
 1 error generated.
ERROR: compile failed while processing /Users/vickydhas/Projects/ocbcapps/MongooseIM/apps/ejabberd: rebar_abort
 make: *** [compile] Error 1

5) Step 4: Now used your commands to do the make and make rel happen as below.

sh-3.2$ LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include make
./rebar get-deps > deps.log 2>&1 || (cat deps.log; exit 1)
./rebar  compile > compile.log 2>&1 || (cat compile.log; exit 1)
sh-3.2$ LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include make rel

..... lot of stuff happened like this  ...
 riak_pb (pre_compile)
==> riak_pb (compile)
==> riakc (compile)
==> p1_utils (compile)

==> rel (generate)
WARN:  'generate' command does not apply to directory /Users/vickydhas/Projects/ocbcapps/MongooseIM

6) Step 5: Went to shell as directed in the link for Running MongooseIM

sh-3.2$ cd rel/mongooseim
sh-3.2$ bin/mongooseim start
sh-3.2$ bin/mongooseim ping
**Node mongooseim@localhost not responding to pings.**

7) I have not used DMG and double confirmed that DMG worked absolutely fine and when this error is comming I have not started the MIM server but here I have done all as step by step. Please help how to move ahead from this as there are many modules I may need in future that may have issues and need all package source MIM, DMG is great but cannot work with all packages.

Secondly I am going to install this on AWS all setup so need assistance to get this fixed.

Any help is much appreciated.

vickydhas commented 7 years ago

to add on now I don't see and can run the mongooseimctl command , here is the output for your reference.

sh-3.2$ mongooseimctl
Failed RPC connection to the node mongooseim@localhost: nodedown

Commands to start a MongooseIM node:
  start  Start a MongooseIM node in server mode
  debug  Attach an interactive Erlang shell to a running MongooseIM node
  live   Start MongooseIM node in live (interactive) mode
MongooseIM cluster management commads:
  add_to_cluster other_node_name       Add current node to cluster
  remove_from_cluster dead_node_name   Remove other node from cluster

fenek commented 7 years ago

Hi vickydhas,

Can you please paste the contents of rel/mongooseim/log/crash.log? I think it is a good idea to delete this file and reproduce the issue one more time, so there won't be any unnecessary "noise" in the file.

vickydhas commented 7 years ago

please check for crash logs.

2016-10-17 15:00:29 =CRASH REPORT==== crasher: initial call: application_master:init/4 pid: <0.219.0> registered_name: [] exception exit: {{bad_return,{{ejabberd_app,start,[normal,[]]},{'EXIT',{{badmatch,{error,{{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,ranch_acceptors_sup,{undef,[{crypto,supports,[],[]},{tls_record,supported_protocol_versions,1,[{file,"tls_record.erl"},{line,437}]},{tls_record,supported_protocol_versions,0,[{file,"tls_record.erl"},{line,336}]},{ssl,versions,0,[{file,"ssl.erl"},{line,538}]},{ranch_ssl,unbroken_cipher_suites,0,[{file,"src/ranch_ssl.erl"},{line,203}]},{ranch_ssl,listen,1,[{file,"src/ranch_ssl.erl"},{line,79}]},{ranch_acceptors_sup,init,1,[{file,"src/ranch_acceptors_sup.erl"},{line,30}]},{supervisor,init,1,[{file,"supervisor.erl"},{line,294}]}]}}},{child,undefined,{ranch_listener_sup,'ejabberd_cowboy_0.0.0.0_5285'},{ranch_listener_sup,start_link,['ejabberd_cowboy_0.0.0.0_5285',10,ranch_ssl,[{port,5285},{ip,{0,0,0,0}},{max_connections,1024},{certfile,"priv/ssl/fake_cert.pem"},{keyfile,"priv/ssl/fake_key.pem"},{password,[]}],cowboyprotocol,[{compress,false},{env,[{dispatch,[{'',[],[{[<<"http-bind">>],[],mod_bosh,[]},{[<<"ws-xmpp">>],[],mod_websockets,[]}]}]}]}]]},permanent,infinity,supervisor,[ranch_listener_sup]}}}},[{ejabberd_cowboy,start_listener,2,[{file,"src/ejabberd_cowboy.erl"},{line,65}]},{ejabberd_listener,start_listener,3,[{file,"src/ejabberd_listener.erl"},{line,360}]},{ejabberd_listener,'-start_listeners/0-fun-0-',1,[{file,"src/ejabberd_listener.erl"},{line,72}]},{lists,map,2,[{file,"lists.erl"},{line,1239}]},{lists,map,2,[{file,"lists.erl"},{line,1239}]},{ejabberd_listener,start_listeners,0,[{file,"src/ejabberd_listener.erl"},{line,70}]},{ejabberd_app,start,2,[{file,"src/ejabberd_app.erl"},{line,72}]},{application_master,start_it_old,4,[{file,"application_master.erl"},{line,273}]}]}}}},[{application_master,init,4,[{file,"application_master.erl"},{line,134}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,247}]}]} ancestors: [<0.218.0>] messages: [] links: [<0.218.0>,<0.220.0>,<0.9.0>] dictionary: [] trap_exit: true status: running heap_size: 2586 stack_size: 27 reductions: 208 neighbours:

On Monday, 17 October 2016, Piotr Nosek wrote:

Hi vickydhas,

Can you please paste the contents of rel/mongooseim/log/crash.log? I think it is a good idea to delete this file and reproduce the issue one more time, so there won't be any unnecessary "noise" in the file.

— You are receiving this because you modified the open/close state. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

Sent from my iPhone6+

michalwski commented 7 years ago

Please see my latest comment in your other PR This is the same error - Erlang was installed without crypto.