esl / MongoosePush

MongoosePush is a simple Elixir RESTful service allowing to send push notification via FCM and/or APNS.
Apache License 2.0
108 stars 24 forks source link

`no_matching_pool` error while trying to send notification to fcm #211

Closed alvinlal closed 6 months ago

alvinlal commented 6 months ago

getting the following error while trying to trigger push notification to fcm in dev mode 👇 , not a problem for apns

{"application":"mongoose_push","at":"Elixir.MongoosePush.maybe_log/3:111","category":"generic","device_id":"caU-gnjKS0StKZaW2pjDXg:APA91bEuSU1Oh5A9pnsJPuPqZuelTrHzZYgHyAAt-PYq-iJHTaa88wkmaMCeGWjPPfGcL2OjWLdJgUZ0eIzTYrVxxEwJBKL4X5Mp4QiBQe9gwJcrx1RPPkt1Sphi-pGr5XxBfcQDIqnb","erl_level":"warning","file":"lib/mongoose_push.ex","mode":"dev","pid":"#PID<0.24690.71>","reason":"no_matching_pool","request_id":"F7mMNFl807s7OZsAABvS","result":"error","service":"fcm","severity":"warning","text":"Unable to send the push notification","what":"sending_notification","when":"2024-03-04T11:28:10.032","domain[0]":"elixir"}

this is the docker command i used to up the mongoosepush container 👇

docker run -v /home/ubuntu/app/mongoose-push-priv:/opt/app/priv \
  -e PUSH_HTTPS_CERTFILE="/opt/app/priv/ssl/rest_cert.pem" \
  -e PUSH_HTTPS_KEYFILE="/opt/app/priv/ssl/rest_key.pem" \
  -e PUSH_APNS_DEV_KEY_ID="dev key id here" \
  -e PUSH_APNS_DEV_TEAM_ID="dev team id here" \
  -e PUSH_APNS_PROD_KEY_ID="prod key id here" \
  -e PUSH_APNS_PROD_TEAM_ID="prod team id here" \
  -e PUSH_LOGLEVEL="info" \
  -p 8443:8443 \
  -d mongooseim/mongoose-push:latest
pawlooss1 commented 6 months ago

Hi @alvinlal Could you also provide request and response for both fcm and apns?

alvinlal commented 6 months ago

sure @pawlooss1 , here is the request and response for apns taken from the logs👇

request 👇

  "application": "phoenix",
  "at": "Elixir.Phoenix.Logger.phoenix_endpoint_start/4:211",
  "erl_level": "info",
  "file": "lib/phoenix/logger.ex",
  "pid": "#PID<0.28473.73>",
  "request_id": "F7nMAxC7_UXzITwAAB1C",
  "severity": "info",
  "text": "POST /v3/notification/8059DAD030E06EDCF13117AE5E2098DB256AF83D271E3AB00AF95F7BF0AA4143B6F29D28B4AD9ED1A82B28E68D74B73A4CF63503B7E9C5A6ED8BB3818C30F3F53AA6CED68804E9DC0B112F5C18E21BFE",
  "what": "",
  "when": "2024-03-05T06:57:27.101",
  "domain[0]": "elixir"

response 👇

  "application": "phoenix",
  "at": "Elixir.Phoenix.Logger.phoenix_endpoint_stop/4:225",
  "erl_level": "info",
  "file": "lib/phoenix/logger.ex",
  "pid": "#PID<0.28473.73>",
  "request_id": "F7nMAxC7_UXzITwAAB1C",
  "severity": "info",
  "text": "Sent 200 in 540ms",
  "what": "",
  "when": "2024-03-05T06:57:27.641",
  "domain[0]": "elixir"

here is the request and response for fcm taken from the logs👇

request 👇

  "application": "phoenix",
  "at": "Elixir.Phoenix.Logger.phoenix_endpoint_start/4:211",
  "erl_level": "info",
  "file": "lib/phoenix/logger.ex",
  "pid": "#PID<0.28798.73>",
  "request_id": "F7nMT9JaKCN6xSkAAB2S",
  "severity": "info",
  "text": "POST /v3/notification/e1rQYYFyRbKA0CcXN3lA1M:APA91bFDy3TvgGY5HNHhSNuN_EsNRCsEiYZQN4cC6zjNGDSKMYf7rE4sfPOIhhsFI1z-9ApSF8UTN2Z-QZ35i0akKdD9UiOAPYVY8WBdN3PtZapxNx3M9YSmfqLgRDMp5Ko-Dnlu6ebR",
  "what": "",
  "when": "2024-03-05T07:02:56.767",
  "domain[0]": "elixir"

response block 1 👇

  "application": "mongoose_push",
  "at": "Elixir.MongoosePush.push/2:75",
  "category": "generic",
  "device_id": "e1rQYYFyRbKA0CcXN3lA1M:APA91bFDy3TvgGY5HNHhSNuN_EsNRCsEiYZQN4cC6zjNGDSKMYf7rE4sfPOIhhsFI1z-9ApSF8UTN2Z-QZ35i0akKdD9UiOAPYVY8WBdN3PtZapxNx3M9YSmfqLgRDMp5Ko-Dnlu6ebR",
  "erl_level": "error",
  "file": "lib/mongoose_push.ex",
  "mode": "dev",
  "pid": "#PID<0.28798.73>",
  "reason": "no_matching_pool",
  "request_id": "F7nMT9JaKCN6xSkAAB2S",
  "result": "error",
  "service": "fcm",
  "severity": "error",
  "text": "Unable to choose pool",
  "what": "pool_selection",
  "when": "2024-03-05T07:02:56.767",
  "domain[0]": "elixir"

response block 2 👇

  "application": "phoenix",
  "at": "Elixir.Phoenix.Logger.phoenix_endpoint_stop/4:225",
  "erl_level": "info",
  "file": "lib/phoenix/logger.ex",
  "pid": "#PID<0.28798.73>",
  "request_id": "F7nMT9JaKCN6xSkAAB2S",
  "severity": "info",
  "text": "Sent 400 in 1ms",
  "what": "",
  "when": "2024-03-05T07:02:56.769",
  "domain[0]": "elixir"
pawlooss1 commented 6 months ago

Now I see that I did not make it clear but I meant the requests to MongoosePush and response from it. Could you provide them as well? I want to reproduce this issue on my local machine. Nevertheless thank you, these logs could be useful too.

alvinlal commented 6 months ago

@pawlooss1 , i guess i misunderstood , actually the requests are send and triggered from mongooseim xmpp server. Is there any flag that i can turn on on mongoosepush that will log all request and response ?, meanwhile i will check the mongooseim documentation and see if there is a way to view the sent request and responses and get back to you 👍

pawlooss1 commented 6 months ago

Oh, I see. Maybe you could try to set the log level to debug? Probably Phoenix will put some additional logs for each endpoint call.

alvinlal commented 6 months ago

@pawlooss1 , is the parameters object that is shown on the logs after setting the log level to debug helpfull to you ?

fcm 👇

  "application": "phoenix",
  "at": "Elixir.Phoenix.Logger.phoenix_router_dispatch_start/4:268",
  "erl_level": "debug",
  "file": "lib/phoenix/logger.ex",
  "pid": "#PID<0.4563.0>",
  "request_id": "F7p0ZU0RwSb3ww8AAAAR",
  "severity": "debug",
  "text": "Processing with MongoosePushWeb.APIv3.NotificationController.send/2\n  Parameters: %{\"data\" => %{\"last-message-body\" => \"{\\\"document_id\\\":null,\\\"message_id\\\":\\\"05fecae4-1809-4818-b345-83b11b2807c2\\\",\\\"text\\\":\\\"Hey\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"text\\\"}\", \"last-message-sender\" => \"\", \"message-count\" => 1}, \"device_id\" => \"eL-DHt-3Rum0c2qHDrY0YP:APA91bGD0dnOMU_etDinwKuGXq-CUlGWQ0gFAoNOmq2tY2WY3VlJ0qUiSC0TbJA7eG8bhXP9o7cIf9jJC3u5ytOYqqhE3BzGa0wxt7MB2wGN7T_ew4oXfi2916V8pg9oiwi3Ogre_zQF\", \"mode\" => \"dev\", \"priority\" => \"high\", \"service\" => \"fcm\", \"topic\" => \"com.appname\"}\n  Pipelines: [:api]",
  "what": "",
  "when": "2024-03-07T10:23:06.974",
  "domain[0]": "elixir"

apns 👇

  "application": "phoenix",
  "at": "Elixir.Phoenix.Logger.phoenix_router_dispatch_start/4:268",
  "erl_level": "debug",
  "file": "lib/phoenix/logger.ex",
  "pid": "#PID<0.5217.0>",
  "request_id": "F7p0417EFWGRS5gAAACC",
  "severity": "debug",
  "text": "Processing with MongoosePushWeb.APIv3.NotificationController.send/2\n  Parameters: %{\"data\" => %{\"last-message-body\" => \"{\\\"document_id\\\":null,\\\"message_id\\\":\\\"f61b2ed2-9321-4234-bd3d-af161dfbd0eb\\\",\\\"text\\\":\\\"Ok\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"text\\\"}\", \"last-message-sender\" => \"\", \"message-count\" => 1}, \"device_id\" => \"80B9449EB85228DD4E522C6DE87A77015149C32716BD49E66FFBB5FA2BDBB90936425AF39530A2FA8C9D668F2FDF72BC5F38FD1CC1433BE8604CB5C0A70606751DAA2BEBE788F7B4A3C227203B136C54\", \"mode\" => \"dev\", \"priority\" => \"high\", \"service\" => \"apns\", \"topic\" => \"com.appname\"}\n  Pipelines: [:api]",
  "what": "",
  "when": "2024-03-07T10:32:08.437",
  "domain[0]": "elixir"

with fcm, the logs show the following error (no_matching_pool) 👇

  "application": "mongoose_push",
  "at": "Elixir.MongoosePush.push/2:75",
  "category": "generic",
  "device_id": "eL-DHt-3Rum0c2qHDrY0YP:APA91bGD0dnOMU_etDinwKuGXq-CUlGWQ0gFAoNOmq2tY2WY3VlJ0qUiSC0TbJA7eG8bhXP9o7cIf9jJC3u5ytOYqqhE3BzGa0wxt7MB2wGN7T_ew4oXfi2916V8pg9oiwi3Ogre_zQF",
  "erl_level": "error",
  "file": "lib/mongoose_push.ex",
  "mode": "dev",
  "pid": "#PID<0.5122.0>",
  "reason": "no_matching_pool",
  "request_id": "F7p00tHhyjjFZgMAAABy",
  "result": "error",
  "service": "fcm",
  "severity": "error",
  "text": "Unable to choose pool",
  "what": "pool_selection",
  "when": "2024-03-07T10:30:57.355",
  "domain[0]": "elixir"

but with apns, everything is fine and i am getting a 200 ok status back

pawlooss1 commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the input @alvinlal I'm pretty sure that those parameters should help me reproduce this issue.

pawlooss1 commented 6 months ago

Ok so the thing is that you're sending a request with mode dev, but currently when configuring MongoosePush with environmental variables there is only one pool with mode prod created. Here is the configuration that defines it config/prod.exs#L46. APNs on the other hand defines both dev and prod pools by default - see config/prod.exs#L57. If you need to have a dev pool configured for FCM then I recommend changing the configuration file in the source and building your own image for now. It shouldn't be complicated, you can refer to the documentation.

Nevertheless I think that current configuration options are not flexible enough. When running outside of docker one can use TOML config but there are other issues with it (see I'll think about making it more user friendly for the next minor release but in order to design it properly this time I won't make any hotfixes for it immediately.

alvinlal commented 6 months ago

thanks so much for your time on this issue @pawlooss1 , i will look at how to configure dev pool for fcm using the configuration file 👍

pawlooss1 commented 4 months ago

FYI @alvinlal we've released a new version of MongoosePush with some fixes in configuration. Also, there is an entry in documentation on how to use TOML config with docker containers - Here's TOML schema for it

alvinlal commented 4 months ago

thanks @pawlooss1 , will check it out 👍