It appears that the jump step is not ignoring the first frame in a MIRI integration which it should if the firstframe step is run prior. If group 2 is the start of the MIRI ramp to be fit then it can't also have a jump flag. This can lead to the problem described in
Here is an example of a MIRI ramp with a jump flagged at group 2 despite firstframe step having been run:
Issue JP-515 was created on JIRA by Patrick Kavanaugh:
It appears that the jump step is not ignoring the first frame in a MIRI integration which it should if the firstframe step is run prior. If group 2 is the start of the MIRI ramp to be fit then it can't also have a jump flag. This can lead to the problem described in
Here is an example of a MIRI ramp with a jump flagged at group 2 despite firstframe step having been run: