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Translate to (French) #395

Open AugustinMauroy opened 1 year ago

AugustinMauroy commented 1 year ago

What language do you want to translate the website into?


What is the language code for the language?


What is the locale code for the language?


What help will you need?

I would need to know where to put the translated files. I saw that there was an external repo for Chinese translation.

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nzakas commented 1 year ago

@AugustinMauroy thanks so much for volunteering. This would be just for the core website, not the docs, to start, so you can follow the instructions here:

Let us know if you have any questions along the way.

AugustinMauroy commented 1 year ago

The YALM file was correctly done. But how to translate the docs, blog ?

nzakas commented 1 year ago

Oh, I see. We don't translate the blog at all -- I'm just not sure it's worth it.

We are actually in the middle of overhauling our docs, so now isn't a good time to do any further translations. There will be too many changes to keep up with the next couple of months.

We also don't have a great solution for docs translations, so we should probably figure that out, too.

AugustinMauroy commented 1 year ago

Don't hesitate to ping me when the translation is available