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Change Request: Standardize documentation properties (e.g. allow configs to export description) #17842

Open bmish opened 6 months ago

bmish commented 6 months ago

ESLint version


What problem do you want to solve?

With the new flat config system, configs are only allowed to export known properties like rules, files, etc.

However, in third-party tooling I maintain like eslint-doc-generator and, I've been letting plugins set an unofficial description / meta.description / property to annotate their configs (or processors) with a description that can be included in the auto-generated documentation for the plugin. This won't work anymore as flat config will throw an error like Error: Unexpected key "meta" found..

Furthermore, there are a variety of documentation-related properties used, allowed, or not allowed by ESLint core objects/concepts today, and this can be inconsistent and inflexible:

What do you think is the correct solution?

In general, it would be useful to be able to accommodate at least the following rule documentation properties on any of the ESLint-controlled core objects/concepts: description, url, deprecated, replacedBy, plus space for arbitrary third-party/user-defined properties.

The challenge is how to place these properties in a consistent fashion across object types and in consideration for the already existing properties.

In particular, some of these rule properties are spread across meta and The dividing line between meta and can be a bit blurry. I was thinking that meta would be for properties that are functionally used by ESLint, whereas would be for non-critical/informational/custom properties that aren't necessarily used or needed by ESLint. By that division, description, url, deprecated, replacedBy would likely all fall under

Some ideas for improving the consistency and flexibility of properties on ESLint core objects/concepts:

  1. Always allow as an arbitrary object for any documentation / third-party properties.
  2. Suggest using for documentation properties like description, url, deprecated, replacedBy.
    • One exception to this: rules place deprecated and replacedBy directly on meta.
    • We can encourage using these common properties and suggest formats for them, as we do today with rules, as they are good for the health of the plugin ecosystem and often used by IDEs and third-party tooling, but ESLint itself wouldn't necessarily enforce anything about them.
    • The list of documentation properties I have mentioned so far is not necessarily comprehensive as it's just a starting point based on existing, commonly-used rule properties.
  3. Whenever a name or version is needed to be specified, include it in the meta object. So we could update configs to accept (falling back to the current name property for backwards compatibility if needed).

To summarize: I took an initial stab at holistically considering documentation properties, but my top priority is really just to decide where documentation properties should go on each ESLint core object (in in my proposal) without necessarily specifying a complete list of all potential documentation properties and their exact formats.

Related issue about the deprecation properties:


Additional comments

No response

aladdin-add commented 6 months ago

I was trying to add a .meta to a plugin's config: but got an error now:

Error: Unexpected key "meta" found.
    at ObjectSchema.validate (/Users/weiran/repo/github/eslint-plugin-node/node_modules/@humanwhocodes/object-schema/src/object-schema.js:270:23)
    at /Users/weiran/repo/github/eslint-plugin-node/node_modules/@humanwhocodes/object-schema/src/object-schema.js:239:18
    at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
    at ObjectSchema.merge (/Users/weiran/repo/github/eslint-plugin-node/node_modules/@humanwhocodes/object-schema/src/object-schema.js:237:24)
    at /Users/weiran/repo/github/eslint-plugin-node/node_modules/@humanwhocodes/config-array/api.js:966:42
    at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
    at FlatConfigArray.getConfig (/Users/weiran/repo/github/eslint-plugin-node/node_modules/@humanwhocodes/config-array/api.js:965:39)
    at FlatConfigArray.isFileIgnored (/Users/weiran/repo/github/eslint-plugin-node/node_modules/@humanwhocodes/config-array/api.js:993:15)
    at /Users/weiran/repo/github/eslint-plugin-node/node_modules/eslint/lib/eslint/eslint-helpers.js:504:38
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
husky - pre-commit hook exited with code 1 (error)

I suggest allowing the meta property (but not mandatory), where plugin authors can place some explanatory content as needed.

bmish commented 6 months ago

Allowing arbitrary meta could be sufficient as the solution (as opposed to just allowing as I was originally suggesting). I'm open to this if others prefer it.

The downside I was worried about with that is that ESLint stores some official properties in meta, and if it adds more such properties in the future, there could be naming conflicts with user/third-party-defined properties that have since been stored there. So I was trying to leave meta for ESLint and for user/third-party-defined properties.

aladdin-add commented 6 months ago

good point. sounds good to mešŸ‘!

nzakas commented 6 months ago

Flat configs actually already support a name property, I just haven't had the time to wire that up to anything useful. The idea was to output that name in any validation error messages to make them easier to track down. It seems like that would serve the needs of your custom description property?

I'm not sure it makes sense to standardize meta properties across all types of objects as they all have different purposes. Rules, necessarily, need more information because they are end-user-facing. Plugins adding meta is specifically because we need a way to serialize them for caching and --print-config, which doesn't apply to configs. Nor do I think version can logically apply to configs.

ljharb commented 6 months ago

name and description are conceptually distinct things; this feels to me like import.meta - an explicitly bounded free-for-all area so that the ecosystem can safely innovate without conflicting with eslint.

nzakas commented 6 months ago

@ljharb are you suggesting that we just standardize a meta object on everything and let people do what they want?

If so, how do we reconcile the existing name and version properties we've defined in meta? And how do we avoid collisions if we need to add more properties in the future?

ljharb commented 6 months ago

Yes, and you can define ā€œname and versionā€ as something they arenā€™t allowed to do :-)

I assume eslint would then add top-level properties when needed.

JoshuaKGoldberg commented 5 months ago

I'm in favor of this. I think it'd be helpful for the ecosystem to collect the ad-hoc ways plugins document themselves into more standardized approaches. That way, tools like can improve discoverability of those plugins.

For reference: in typescript-eslint, each user-facing config intentionally has a one-liner description in

nzakas commented 5 months ago

Okay, it seems like there's general agreement that this is a good idea, so marking as accepted. Does anyone want to take the action item to flesh out a full RFC?

bmish commented 5 months ago

There seem to be some conflicting thoughts so far about whether user-defined properties should go in meta (where some official properties are already located) or I would find it helpful to hear some more input on this and ideally make a decision on it before the RFC.

nzakas commented 5 months ago

I'd say put together an RFC with your current thoughts and let people comment on that. It's a lot easier to have a full proposal to comment on then trying to peel off an individual preference here or there.