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Bug: defining a global named `__defineSetter__` doesn't work #18363

Closed epmatsw closed 3 weeks ago

epmatsw commented 1 month ago


What parser are you using?

Default (Espree)

What did you do?

Defining a global named __defineSetter causes eslint to crash if done in an inline comment. It also seems not to work if done in a config file.

Configuration ``` export default [ { "rules": { "no-undef": [ "error" ] } } ]; ```
/*global __defineSetter__, a*/

__defineSetter__ = 42;

What did you expect to happen?

It should treat __defineSetter__ as a valid global.

What actually happened?

ESLint crashes. When specified in the globals object in a config rather than an inline comment, it doesn't crash but it also doesn't seem to respect the global.

Link to Minimal Reproducible Example


Additional comments

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aladdin-add commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the report, I was able to repro!