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Bug: using `--ext` throws an invalid option error #18399

Closed SamSalvatico closed 3 weeks ago

SamSalvatico commented 3 weeks ago


Node version: v20.11.1 npm version: v10.5.2 Local ESLint version: v9.1.1 Global ESLint version: Not found Operating System: darwin 23.4.0

What parser are you using?


What did you do?

Configuration ``` "scripts": { "lint": "eslint . --ext .ts" } ```

What did you expect to happen?

--ext works as expected or remove it from docs

What actually happened?

Moving to v9.1.1 I am getting the following error

package@0.0.1 lint:fix
> eslint . --ext .ts --fix

Invalid option '--ext' - perhaps you meant '-c'?
You're using eslint.config.js, some command line flags are no longer available. Please see for details.

I opened the URL, but --ext is extensively used in docs

Link to Minimal Reproducible Example


Additional comments

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aladdin-add commented 3 weeks ago

it's working as expected. --ext is eslintrc-mode-only, and has been documented:

aladdin-add commented 3 weeks ago

In flat configs, you can use {files: ["**/*.ts"], ...config}, and it just works.

SamSalvatico commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you!

SamSalvatico commented 3 weeks ago

it's working as expected. --ext is eslintrc-mode-only, and has been documented:

One note: the examples under the disclaimer are not working, if no additional configurations are set

npx eslint . --ext .ts