eslint / eslint

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Issue: pattern is being ignored #18471

Closed codeef closed 1 week ago

codeef commented 2 weeks ago


Node version: 20.12.0 npm version: 10.7.0 Local ESLint version: 9.2.0 Global ESLint version: Operating System:

What parser are you using?


What did you do?

I moved from eslint v8 with .eslintrc file to v9 with flat config and the eslint.config.js file. Since then, I get an error while running eslint --fix --max-warnings=0 src

The error says: You are linting "src", but all of the files matching the glob pattern "src" are ignored. But I don't think I'm ignoring the src pattern anywhere

I have this repo where you can see all the relevant code to reproduce the issue

Can you please tell me what am I doing wrong and how can I fix it?


What did you expect to happen?

Expected eslint to run properly with the new flat config

What actually happened?

Can't run eslint --fix and eslint also not working with VSCode IDE

Link to Minimal Reproducible Example


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