eslint / typescript-eslint-parser

An ESLint custom parser which leverages TypeScript ESTree to allow for ESLint to lint TypeScript source code.
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Indentation warning for properties of argument object #458

Closed bondom closed 5 years ago

bondom commented 6 years ago

What version of TypeScript are you using? 2.7.1

What version of typescript-eslint-parser are you using? 14.0.0

What code were you trying to parse?

const registration = (
  state: RegistrationStoreState = initialState,
  action: {
    type: string;
    data: Object;
    error: Object;
) => {

What did you expect to happen? To see clear worskpace without warning

What happened?

I see warning [eslint] Expected indentation of 2 spaces but found 4. (indent) And only when I format this code in this way:

const registration = (
  state: RegistrationStoreState = initialState,
  action: {
  type: string;
  data: Object;
  error: Object;
) => {

I don't see warnings.

mightyiam commented 6 years ago

Something is wrong with your code. It looks like mixed JavaScript primitives and TypeScript types.

bondom commented 6 years ago

@mightyiam Sorry, but I don't understand. What do you mean under Javaccript primitives? I am newbie in TypeScript, but there is how I understand this: Javascript primitives are the same as Typescript primitives. In my code above I have string primitive, which is valid primitive type in Typescript. But I have Object, that is also TypeScript type. For experiment I replaced Object with object(which is also valid Typescript type). Now my code is:

const registration = (
  state: RegistrationStoreState = initialState,
  action: {
    type: string;
    data: object;
    error: object;
) => {

But warning still presents..

bondom commented 6 years ago

I created piece of code with function instead of arrow function:

function reg(
  firstArg: string,
  secondArg: {
    type: string;
    data: object;
    error: object;
): number {
  return 4;

But warning also is shown... If this piece of code is mixed Javascript and Typescript, please rewrite it to be only Typescript

bondom commented 6 years ago

Ok, so I solved this issue in this way: 1) Deleted indent rule("indent": ["warn", 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 }]) from eslint config(as a result no warning is shown) 2) Added

"prettier/prettier": [
          "parser": "typescript"

to my eslint config, so now prettier solves all indentation problems.

Now all works as expected. This code is valid:

const registration = (
  state: RegistrationStoreState = initialState,
  action: {
    type: string;
    data: Object;
    error: Object;
) => {

But it is obvious that there is real bug with indent rule if we use eslint and typescript-eslint-parser together.(if not please show me similar piece of code without this indentation warning).

Because of prettier and typescript-eslint-parser work in right way, but eslint and typescript-eslint-parser don't, I suppose that this bug is related to eslint but not to typescript-eslint-parser @mightyiam How do you think?

mightyiam commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I was wrong. Yeah, it seems like we have an indentation bug, perhaps. Perhaps you could submit a PR that includes a failing test case? You could try to fix, if you like, but a failing test case would be a step towards, as well.

bondom commented 6 years ago

@mightyiam Okay, I will create pr, and will try to fix :)

bondom commented 6 years ago

First I should to know exactly where is cause of problem. If it is eslint problem I should create PR in eslint repo, if it is typescript-eslint-parser I should create PR there. Right?

bondom commented 6 years ago

Can you please give advice where should I start from? Should I understand main part of eslint source code to be able to understand the cause of issue?

mightyiam commented 6 years ago

I would start by adding a test file here that is based on this. The main difference would be that this parser is used. And add a test that would fail, as well.

Kimahriman commented 6 years ago

If you're using ESLint 4.19+, it may be related to a bug I posted in ESLint around the same time as this.

I found the exact commit and changes that caused the issue on the ESLint side. I wasn't sure if that change was wrong or it just required some update here, but it might help figure out the issue.

JamesHenry commented 5 years ago

This issue has been migrated to the new project: typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint#11
