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Simple Infrastructure for Earth System Simulations
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need reduced echam and jsbach output for spinup #384

Open chrisdane opened 3 years ago

chrisdane commented 3 years ago


Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. The default namelist.echam for a PI-CTRL experiment, which is (almost always?) also used for spinups, creates a lot of data on a high temporal interval (< month) due to the namelist blocks

# cd to esm_tools
git checkout develop
git fetch
# namelists/echam/6.3.04p1/PI-CTRL/namelist.echam:
    interval = 1, 'days', 'last', 0
    target = 'glday'
    source = 'gl'
    variables = 'q:mean'
    target = 'g3bday'
    interval = 1, 'days', 'last', 0
    source = 'g3b'
    meannam = 'tslm1', 'tsi'
    interval = 1, 'days', 'last', 0
    target = 'g3bid'
    source = 'g3b'
    variables = 'u10:mean', 'v10:mean', 'temp2:mean', 'relhum:mean', 'albedo:mean',
                'dew2:mean', 'ws:mean', 'sn:mean', 'wimax:max', 't2min:min', 't2max:max'
    interval = 1, 'days', 'last', 0
    target = 'jsbid'
    source = 'jsbach'
    variables = 'layer_moisture:mean'
    interval = 6, 'hours', 'last', 0
    target = 'sp6h'
    source = 'sp'
    variables = 'st:mean', 'svo:mean', 'lsp:mean', 'sd:mean'
    interval = 1, 'hours', 'last', 0
    target = 'g3b1hi'
    source = 'g3b'
    variables = 'u10:inst', 'v10:inst', 'wimax:max'

For a spinup, this is unnecessary and bad practice since nobody will ever need this data but the disks are full with it.

Describe the solution you'd like As far as I understand the esm tools, I would like to have a esm_tools/namelists/echam/<version>/PI-CTRL-SPINUP/namelist.echam which is the same as esm_tools/namelists/echam/<version>/PI-CTRL/namelist.echam but with only a few important variables on monthly output frequency, or similar.

I tried to achieve this. I ran a default echam-only PI-CTRL experiment on ollie:

esm_tools branch: develop
runscript: /home/ollie/cdanek/esm/runscripts/echam-ollie-initial-monthly.yaml 
work: /work/ollie/cdanek/out/echam-6.3.04p1/pictrl-grb

The resulting echam output after 1 month is

no  name    interval    time    lon lat lev nsp nc2 file
1   u10         hr  744 192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3b1hi
2   v10         hr  744 192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3b1hi
3   wimax       hr  744 192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3b1hi
4   lsp         6hr 124             2080    2   pictrl-grb_200001.01_sp6h  
5   sd          6hr 124         47  2080    2   pictrl-grb_200001.01_sp6h  
6   svo         6hr 124         47  2080    2   pictrl-grb_200001.01_sp6h  
7   t           6hr 124         47  2080    2   pictrl-grb_200001.01_sp6h  
8   tsi         day 31  192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3bday
9   tslm1       day 31  192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3bday
10  albedo      day 31  192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3bid 
11  dew2        day 31  192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3bid 
12  rhumidity   day 31  192 96  47              pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3bid 
13  sn          day 31  192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3bid 
14  t2max       day 31  192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3bid 
15  t2min       day 31  192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3bid 
16  temp2       day 31  192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3bid 
17  u10         day 31  192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3bid 
18  v10         day 31  192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3bid 
19  wimax       day 31  192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3bid 
20  ws          day 31  192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3bid 
21  q           day 31  192 96  47              pictrl-grb_200001.01_glday 
22  apmegl      mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_accw  
23  drain       mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_accw  
24  grndflux    mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_accw  
25  rogl        mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_accw  
26  runoff      mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_accw  
27  snacl       mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_accw  
28  snmel       mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_accw  
29  sodif       mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_accw  
30  aclc        mon 1   192 96  47              pictrl-grb_200001.01_aclcim
31  t2max       mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3bim 
32  t2min       mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3bim 
33  topmax      mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3bim 
34  xi          mon 1   192 96  47              pictrl-grb_200001.01_glim  
35  xl          mon 1   192 96  47              pictrl-grb_200001.01_glim  
36  lsp         mon 1               2080    2   pictrl-grb_200001.01_spim  
37  sd          mon 1           47  2080    2   pictrl-grb_200001.01_spim  
38  svo         mon 1           47  2080    2   pictrl-grb_200001.01_spim  
39  t           mon 1           47  2080    2   pictrl-grb_200001.01_spim  

and for jsbach

no  name    interval    time    lon lat depth   lev file
1   layer_moisture  day 31  192 96  5   5   pictrl-grb_200001.01_jsbid

To test for reduced echam output, I ran the experiment

esm_tools branch: echam_scenario_PI-CTRL-SPINUP
runscript: /home/ollie/cdanek/esm/runscripts/echam-ollie-initial-monthly-spinup.yaml 
work: /work/ollie/cdanek/out/echam-6.3.04p1/pictrl-spinup-grb

The resulting echam output after 1 month is

no  name    interval    time    lon lat lev nsp nc2 file
1   aclcov  mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
2   ahfl    mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
3   ahfs    mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
4   albedo  mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
5   aprc    mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
6   aprl    mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
7   aprs    mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
8   aps     mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
9   dew2    mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
10  evap    mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
11  friac   mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
12  geosp   mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
13  qvi     mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
14  srad0d  mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
15  srad0u  mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
16  srads   mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
17  sradsu  mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
18  sraf0   mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
19  t2max   mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
20  t2min   mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
21  temp2   mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
22  topmax  mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
23  trad0   mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
24  trads   mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
25  tradsu  mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
26  traf0   mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
27  trafs   mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
28  tsurf   mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
29  u10     mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
30  ustr    mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
31  v10     mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
32  vstr    mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
33  wind10  mon 1   192 96                  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
34  q       mon 1   192 96  47              pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_glmon 
35  lsp     mon 1               2080    2   pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_spmon 
36  sd      mon 1           47  2080    2   pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_spmon 
37  svo     mon 1           47  2080    2   pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_spmon 
38  t       mon 1           47  2080    2   pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_spmon 

and for jsbach

no  name    interval    time    lon lat depth   lev file
1   cover_fract         mon 1   192 96      11  pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_jsbachmon
2   veg_ratio_max_mean  mon 1   192 96      1   pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_jsbachmon
3   layer_moisture      mon 1   192 96  5   5   pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_jsbachmon
4   lai                 mon 1   192 96      1   pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_landmon  
5   snow_fract          mon 1   192 96      1   pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_landmon  
6   soil_temperature    mon 1   192 96  5   5   pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_landmon  

The total size of outdata of 1 month reduces from

cd /work/ollie/cdanek/out/echam-6.3.04p1/pictrl-grb/outdata
find -name "*200001*" | sort | xargs du -hcs
135K    ./echam/pictrl-grb_200001.01_accw
1.5K    ./echam/
1.1M    ./echam/pictrl-grb_200001.01_aclcim
512     ./echam/
79M     ./echam/pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3b1hi
512     ./echam/
2.2M    ./echam/pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3bday
512     ./echam/
63M     ./echam/pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3bid
1.5K    ./echam/
109K    ./echam/pictrl-grb_200001.01_g3bim
512     ./echam/
52M     ./echam/pictrl-grb_200001.01_glday
512     ./echam/
2.9M    ./echam/pictrl-grb_200001.01_glim
512     ./echam/
164M    ./echam/pictrl-grb_200001.01_sp6h
512     ./echam/
1.4M    ./echam/pictrl-grb_200001.01_spim
512     ./echam/
2.2M    ./jsbach/pictrl-grb_200001.01_jsbid
512     ./jsbach/
367M    total


cd /work/ollie/cdanek/out/echam-6.3.04p1/pictrl-spinup-grb/outdata
find -name "*200001*" | sort | xargs du -hcs
1.3M    ./echam/pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_g3bmon
4.0K    ./echam/
1.7M    ./echam/pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_glmon
512     ./echam/
1.4M    ./echam/pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_spmon
512     ./echam/
247K    ./jsbach/pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_jsbachmon
512     ./jsbach/
102K    ./jsbach/pictrl-spinup-grb_200001.01_landmon
512     ./jsbach/
4.6M    total

This reduction is roughly 100 - 4.6 MB / 367 MB * 100 ~ 99% although many of the most important variables are included. Of course, one could argue if e.g. the 3d variable q (specific humidity) needs to be included or if other variables should be included and so on ...

I would be very happy if you could implement this in some way as a standard for echam since I am really sick of this huge unnecessary spinup output everywhere.

Thanks a lot for consideration, Chris

ps: I couldnt get the jsbach stream veg to work (vegmon in the new namelist.echam in the echam_scenario_PI-CTRL-SPINUP branch).

pgierz commented 3 years ago

Can someone PLEASE PLEASE put this in? It's been on my list for months.

pgierz commented 3 years ago

How would this be best solved, Christopher?

    scenario: PI-CTRL-SPINUP

Or rather:

    namelist_variant: spinup # Or reduced, minimal, or something

I think using a new "scenario" may be confusing to some people

chrisdane commented 3 years ago

I dont know. Someone of the esm tools heads need to decide that.

Another point I cannot decide is how to distinguish different streams-definitions in echam.yaml and jsbach.yaml in a clean and esm tools-way.

chrisdane commented 3 years ago

There is one problem to define scenario-dependent output streams of echam/jsbach. The echam.yaml-entries

        - accw
        - co2
        - echam
        - g3bid
        - g3bim
        - g3bday
        - g3b1hi
        - glday
        - aclcim
        - sp6h
        - spim
        - aclcim
        - g3b1hi
        - g3bday
        - g3bid
        - g3bim
        - glday
        - glim
        - jsbid
        - sp6h
        - spim

define which output files will be moved from work to outdata/<model>/. This way, some files are ignored if I change the stream definitions in the namelist, or, the other way around, the esm tools complain that there are missing files if the namelist does not define some of these streams.

In my view the solution to this would be to consider all work/<expname>_<current_date>.01_* files and drop the streams and streamsnc lists completely (<current_date> may be YYYYMM or something similar, I dont know all cases). Would this be in accordance with how the esm tools work?

@mandresm @dbarbi could you please comment on that? Thanks a lot!

pgierz commented 3 years ago

Distinguishing that cleanly isn't really so easy. The Namelist for echam also influences jsbach output, but then we have two different yaml files and also two different namelists even just controlling model behaviour. Confusion lurks around every single corner there.

Ultimately, we need to find some way of getting a single source of truth for the streams, and define that only once and have it propagate everywhere.

Chris, did you make a branch? Given that we have space issues, I'd like to put that in and update the handbook

mandresm commented 3 years ago

Thanks @chrisdane for this suggestion, I think it's a very good point. About the streams, I would need to have a look again at the echam files. However, even if scenario is an extra variable, I think it is a very intuitive one and could help us in the setup of the strings and on the selection of the namelist_dir. @pgierz , why do you say scenario might be a confusing variable for some people?

pgierz commented 3 years ago

"Scenario" controls a lot more than just output, also for example which model features should be active. PI shouldn't have human land use change, a future run should. I would therefore recommend separating output control from the scenario.

chrisdane commented 3 years ago

Thanks Miguel. I agree that having another scenario is not confusing.

@pgierz1: Having those streams in the echam.yaml and jsbach.yaml is in my view the source of the confusion. Thats why I suggest to drop them completely. I made a suggestion of an alternative and my question was if this is possible.

@pgierz2: Yes I made a esm_tools branch and wrote that several times in my initial post: echam_scenario_PI-CTRL-SPINUP.

@pgierz3: Separating output control and scenario is a good idea. But for echam/jsbach, the output control is defined in the namelist.echam. This namelist, in turn, enters the esm tools via scenario. You would have to change this workflow if you want to separate output control and scenario. It would certainly be possible but Im afraid this would mean much more work than just adding another scenario.

pgierz commented 3 years ago

Chris is correct, that would need a bit of a stronger rewrite.

We could, for example, add one more layer of folders? Or maybe better, merge in the output part of the name list, separate from whatever defines physical behaviour? Do we have a merge feature for namelists yet? They are just dictionaries on the python side.

I would again strongly suggest against making the output dependent on the scenarios. That (gut feeling) seems too easy to mess up accidentally. We will fix one, but forget the other.

pgierz commented 3 years ago

Chris, sorry I didn't see your branch in the initial post. Info is obviously there, I just need to learn how to read...

chrisdane commented 3 years ago

Paul, the output definitions for echam/jsbach are not as simple as for fesom. Separating the stream definitions from everything else in the namelist.echam would yield more confusion in my view. For example, &runctl:default_output, i.e. a namelist parameter from another chapter within the namelist, affects the output as well.

I dont see a problem in making output dependent on the scenario. In fact, my initial motivation is to have it.

mandresm commented 3 years ago

I think this discussion is very interesting and valuable, but I also think we need to include the main advance users of ECHAM into it if we are going to make a major change that affect the streams. What do you think?

chrisdane commented 3 years ago

Sure please do so =)

dbarbi commented 3 years ago

The original idea was to use the streams and streamsnc arrays to automatically GENERATE the output stream part in the namelist.echam, but we never got there.

chrisdane commented 3 years ago

Ok. I dont think this is feasible. How would you specify that e.g. 1) only certain variables from a specfic stream should be saved 2) in a specific temporal interval? If the yaml lists streams and streamsnc will be extended to support those and more features, I feel you end up having similar entries as in the actual namelist.echam. Why reinventing the wheel?

dbarbi commented 3 years ago

initially, because you could use the same style of writing that to set the output of fesom, openifs, nemo, etc. without having to do it differently for each model. but it is some amount of work, and noone really called for it, so...

chrisdane commented 3 years ago

There is related problem with the historical echam namelist, i.e. namelists/echam/6.3.04p1/HIST/namelist.echam. The entries

  PUTDATA        = 3,'hours','last',0
  default_output = .true.


    interval = 1, 'days', 'last', 0
    target = 'g3bid'
    source = 'g3b'
    variables = ... , 'temp2:mean', ...

yield, for annual runs, the variable temp2 in the annual files

<expid>_<YYYY> # ntime = 2928 --> 3hourly output
<expid>_<YYYY> # ntime = 366 --> daily output (this test year is a leap year)

The annual (cdo yearmean) temp2 anomaly between the _echam and the _g3bid files looks like this:



cdo info
Minimum        Mean     Maximum
 -0.064362  1.9698e-05    0.061951 # Kelvin

The monthly (cdo -seltimestep,1 -monmean) temp2 anomaly between the _echam and the _g3bid files is even larger:



cdo info
Minimum        Mean     Maximum
-0.12109  -0.0027946     0.11356 # Kelvin

The daily (cdo -seltimestep,1 -daymean) temp2 anomaly between the _echam and the _g3bid files is even larger:



cdo info
Minimum        Mean     Maximum
 -1.0143  -0.0027390      1.2628 # Kelvin

Since temp2 from the _g3bid file is explicitly set to be the mean ('temp2:mean'), temp2 from the _echam file seems to represent something else, maybe a snapshot, its not clear. I think this is another argument to set default_output to false since its not clear what the output is.

pgierz commented 3 years ago

I can briefly comment on this one: temp2 in the default_output = true is misleading. In fact the entire "default output" is...well, let's go with the description "weird". The file in that case is a mixture of snapshots and means. Christian is currently working on a table to definitively say which is which, but if I remember correctly temp2 was snapshots. I would therefore recommend caution using that particular variable in that file for any "sensible" analysis....

If you are after monthly means, I have a few template namelists that we are ironing out here. Check out the "production" version, that might be what you need. You actually even made the spinup ones :-)

Chris, to understand your screenshots (maybe I just need to read): those are anomalies between two files of the same run? We saw similar patterns comparing tsurf and temp2, but that was in one case a snapshot and in the second a monthly mean. You could rather clearly see where the sun was for the snapshot case (of course, there are also other differences -- tsurf shows whatever the actual surface is. SST, soil, plant canopy....)

chrisdane commented 3 years ago

those are anomalies between two files of the same run?

Yes. Same variable, same run, different output files.

pgierz commented 3 years ago

Alright, wrong place to complain, but: "ugh....echam....why"

Consider the following more to be "public note taking" (or whatever thinking out loud is for a forum):

For your screenshots, what you have is -- if I understand it correctly -- a yearly (or monthly, or daily) average of snapshots vs a yearly average of daily means. That would (maybe) explain the vertical bands you see there (day/night difference??) It's quite a small difference though, I would have expected something clearer if you're always capturing European midnight/3am/6am/noon.

Long story short, depending on the analysis you want to do, I would instinctively prefer the data in the g3bid files.

Yet another point on my ever-growing list of why we need to fix the echam namelist for sensible output....

chrisdane commented 3 years ago

It's quite a small difference though

For someone working with daily data the difference is on the order of 1 K, i.e. super large :p

pgierz commented 3 years ago

Yes, I was more referring to the top two figures. Funny how it is so localized over North America. I would have guessed that if you have 3 hour output and average noon/3pm/6pm/9pm/midnight/3am/6am/9am that there isn't such a clear spatial pattern. Plus you can see waves over Eurasia. Odd....but, as I said, I'd just use the data in the other file, that will be at least clearer.

And still, one for the list: we need to tame echam output. Urgently.

chrisdane commented 3 years ago

The default stream definitions are printed in every atmout. The echam:temp2 variable is defined as

name               : g3b
output  file suffix: _echam
name                            units rank  ke alloc.  grid prt acc mis rst tbl cde bit lev_type
temp2                           K        2   1 T GAUSSIAN    T   F   F   T  128 167  16 SURFACE 

whereas the gsbid:temp2 variable is defined as

name               : g3bid
output  file suffix: _g3bid
name                            units rank  ke alloc.  grid prt acc mis rst tbl cde bit lev_type
temp2                           K        2   1 T GAUSSIAN    T   T   F   T  128 167  16 SURFACE

that means

echam:temp2:acc=laccu=F # see mo_linked_list.f90 for how the lines above are printed in atmout

In the echam6 docu its written that (p. 119)

In order to write a field to an output file, lpost=.true. must be specified. Generally the actual values of the field are written. However, if laccu=.true. is specified, the values are divided by the number of seconds of the output interval before output and set to the value of the variable reset afterwards.

And indeed, the default of laccu is false (p 118) and this also explains the differences in those two temp2 variables as laccu=true yields:

“Accumulation” flag: Does no accu- mulation but divides variable by the number of seconds of the output in- terval and resets it to reset after output.

That would mean that for any variable, that is not explicitly defined via

    interval = 1, '<interval>', 'last', 0
    target = '<filetag_where_varname_should_be_saved>'
    source = '<echam_streamname_from_which_to_take_varname>'
    variables = ... , '<varname>:mean', ...

, one must check the respective atmout-entry to figure out if it represents accumulated (laccu=true), i.e. averaged values, or non-accumulated (laccu=false), i.e. snapshots?

pgierz commented 3 years ago

One note: the outputs seems to be recorded for any changed stream. Not sure if the default is also written to the log. If it is, that'd be great to know, please also forward that info to Christian.

At some point, we need to ask Hamburg to clarify. Perhaps that point has been reached. At least on my end, I'm out of expertise. Sorry.

chrisdane commented 3 years ago

@mandresm @denizural @dbarbi could you please implement some kind of switch so that switching namelist.echam and/or namelist.jsbach becomes possible? The current workflow via streams (and streamsnc) makes this impossible as files from user-specific streams will be ignored if they are not set in those echam.yaml or jsbach.yaml lists.

pgierz commented 3 years ago

You could try to implement that yourself. I can take 20 minutes tomorrow and show you the relevant code that would need to be modified.

Open source works best if anyone who wants a feature tries to build it. That also would be good to increase overall knowledge of the code base by more than just the core team.

So, if you want to try, pull develop, and start a new branch from there, open a draft PR, and via comments and whatever, we will talk you through it :-)

chrisdane commented 3 years ago

Dropping echam.yaml:streams would be a large modification of the esm tools. I have not enough knowledge and time for this =)

pgierz commented 3 years ago

There is a relevant PR that allows you to use the echam namelist to automatically define the streams. You must set it up in your run config. Please see:

Closing for now, re-open if more discussion is needed.

chrisdane commented 2 years ago

The PR does not work.

The following workaround quasi-works:

  1. specify an individual namelist.echam and further reading files via
    namelist_dir: "/path/to/my/special/namelist.echam/"
    further_reading: "echam_myoutput.yaml"
    further_reading: "jsbach_myoutput.yaml"
  2. similarly as for Fesom, put the echam and jsbach streams to be created by the special namelist.echam:
    cat echam_myoutput.yaml
        - echamstream1
        - echamstream2
    streamsnc: ${streams}


    cat jsbach_myoutput.yaml
        - jsbachstream1
  3. Run the model

The following does not work yet:

  1. Only January outdata files are moved to the respective outdata/<model> dirs. The output of all other months is moved to unknown/
  2. .code files are not considered at all and moved to unknown/
pgierz commented 2 years ago

I would not say the PR does not work. I would say it does not work yet ;-)

Can you send me the path to your experiment? I will have a look.

chrisdane commented 2 years ago


Correction: the 2 problems affect jsbach files only.

JanStreffing commented 2 years ago

Catching up on this: Does the reduced output look realistic in release 6?

chrisdane commented 2 years ago

Due to the totally different output strategies of the individual models, I think a general out of-the-box implementation in the esm_tools is difficult.

For fesom it works quite well via fesoms output scheduler and a yaml file listing all wanted variables in the wanted output frequencies.

For echam/jsbach its more complicated. I found a workflow that suits for me, it works using

  1. namelists of echam and jsbach
  2. specific stream lists in the echam and jsbach yamls for a set of variables that I want to save in a desired frequency. I dont know how to properly implement this in the esm_tools so that its useful. Work in progress I would say.

For other models I dont know.

@JanStreffing: yes of course the output is realistic.

mandresm commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

I've been looking at this issue for a bit and also to the solution @pgierz offered, that I believe never got merged (esm-tools/esm_runscripts#165). Is that correct?

I see the solutions given to, and used by @chrisdane as provisional solutions, as in my eyes there is a "major" issue as @chrisdane points out, and it's that there is duplication of information. Not only that, but if you add a stream on a namelist and then you forget to update the stream list you won't realize unless you are looking at the log files very much in detail or you are monitoring the output and making sure it doesn't get dump into the unknown folder.

I think the streams for echam and jsbach should be built based on the final namelist as @pgierz tried in his PR.

I think it would also be great to add the stream's control through the runscript (still providing a good namelist.echam template which the user modifies through the runscript). That would mean new syntax specific to ECHAM, but it could be made so that it's as close as possible to the namelist syntax, or the existing namelis_changes syntax, so that it is intuitive to use.

Please, let me know what do you think about these two ideas (getting a version of what Paul did into release 6 and stream-namelist modification through the runscript). In turn, if you are okay with your workflow now and you don't want any changes, you can go ahead and close the issue.

chrisdane commented 2 years ago


The PR does not work.

I think its close to impossible to build an algorithm that deals with all possible namelist.echam stream definitions. Its a black box.

I think the better solution is to put a list of streams (and streamsnc) in a separate file next to the used namelist.echam file, overwriting the default streams. E.g. streams1=stream1,stream2,... to namelist.echam1 in which model output from stream1 and stream2 is wanted and streams2=stream3,stream4,... to namelist.echam2 in which model output from stream3 and stream4 is wanted. Sure, that's not beautiful, but at least it would enable some sort of modularity.

So I am ok with closing, but this issue remains a dead end for the modularity approach of the esm_tools :(

mandresm commented 2 years ago

My idea was not to build a full syntax for the streams, but instead let the user include their modifications to the namelist through the runscript with the same structure of the namelists, with sections and variables, the same way that was done for namelist_changes but special to the streams in that repetition of sections would be allowed (which is not the case in namelist_changes). That's one point and it might be an overkill.

The other point is the PR That one is broken, but is fixable as the problem it is trying to fix is relatively simple (at least as I understand it, maybe I am loosing something important): read the namelist and extract the stream names. This one might be something we want to pursue in the future. Anyway, let's see if someone reopens this one or something similar in the future.

pgierz commented 2 years ago

I would not say close to impossible. After all, there are rules inside of echam for how it produces output and what those files are called. Rules which we could replicate. Yes, it is very echam specific, but we already have specific model things on the tools. See for example Oasis. Plus Echam being sketchy about its documentation should be given as a lesson to anyone who thinks about writing climate code. Our own project is also slowly working on improving that.

To me this boils down at the end to a design question. Duplicate information is by definition error prone. You are bound to forget one of your multiple places. I'd like to keep this issue open, as a place for discussion if nothing else.

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